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How long to keep boiled eggs Videos

Food Storage : How to Store Boiled Eggs

The best way to store boiled eggs is by placing them into a container with cold water and setting them in the refrigerator. Enjoy a healthy snack later with help ...

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why should we put them in water first ? To make them easier to peel later ?
doesnt it stink?

Man can't stop peeing thanks to giant 'hard-boiled egg' inside of him

After 20 years of having an overactive bladder, a 62-year-old man went to the doctor only for them to discover an extremely rare egg-shaped mass. Doctors at ...

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That is a great example why it is important to visit your doctor when exhibiting unusual behavior. I wonder if the growth was always that large, or if it grew during the twenty years this man neglected his body suffering the consequences. In my experience the men in my life would rather walk on hot coals then visit the doctor. Now look, a simple procedure relived his symptoms and now he can sit through a movie or ballgame with out jumping up several times.
Lol you're right about hot coals.
Wow, how coincidental... They dyed it green to reveal its layers...
+Super Galactic Bionic Mysterious Planet in Space like shrek. or your profile picture.
+Shrek Green is not a creative color,
Onions have layers BROTHERRRR
But atleast it isn't an onion.
Onions have layers, ogres have layers... and now apparently eggs have layers o.o
And this, kids, is why you chew your food.
+TortureMeElmo hahahahahahahaaaaaaa!
who eats an egg whole
+hulk hogan go back to wherever you were
+Bus Guy OMG It's NOT a kidney stone idiot if it was a kidney stone it would be inside the kidney. LISTEN TO THE EXPLANATION OF WHAT IT IS IN THE VIDEO. ...
+Bus Guy That was NOT a kidney stone idiot
Are you flipping kidding me you actually think it's an egg and it's there because he ate it .WOW !!!! Seriously pathetic how does it feel to be so stupid ? It's NOT an Egg it's a mass in the shape of an egg .watch and seriously LISTEN to what they are saying in the video .
+theebige It's a kidney stone Duh! The digestive system is not connected to the bladder. Your kidneys filter your blood then it goes to the bladder till it's full then you have to pee. It would come out his butt if he ate it.
+Jim Taco they said it themselves "it's not a egg" so it's not a hard boiled egg
+hulk hogan Dude, look at 1:19 and tell me that's not an egg.
It's not an egg dumbass

EASY Hard Boiled Eggs Recipe

My favorite way to make hard boiled eggs! This Easy Hard Boiled Eggs recipe is quick, easy, and as close to perfection as you can get! All of my preferred ...

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Love it, Derek. Sometimes simple tips for one ingredient can inspire fantastic new creations. I firmly believe hard boiled eggs are all about timing. If you're cooking with a pan or pot (especially with water!), seasoning should be added before heat, and the ice cubes are a great tip. 255 for 18? Must be all dem egg gains!
Love hard boiled eggs. I wanted to point out that you need to use "older eggs" not fresh as they will be easier to peel. Boil water, reduce to simmer and cook for 7 minutes, drain and run under cold water and let sit. To prevent cracking prick the rounded end with a small pin before cooking. Works like a charm :)
much diffrent from how I do it. I've always brought them to a quick boil, let it boil for 15-20min, then do the ice bath for 20min my yolks are always creamy and very good, but the egg shells are a bitch to peel. I'll have to give your way of cooking them a shot and see which I like better.
While its fine if that's your preference or they're farm-raised, there is no nutritional difference between white and brown eggs. Just an FYI. Also, glad we got to see you eat one, so we know its good ;) Great channel as always, thumbs up of course.
I have questions ! Is it possible to prepare eggs for the whole week? If so , after boiling them do I have to peel them first and refrigerate them ? What is the best ? Freeze them or put them in the fridge ? Thanx
Seems to be hard recipes and takes long time to do it, I personally boil the egg for 20 min and that's all , I don't have to reduce heat or cover it up or put ice ! Thanx anyways
Salt water has a higher boiling point so it actually makes water come to a boil slower. In that sense there is little to no point in adding salt to water to boil eggs.
Wow I totally had that backwards then, thanks. And I would guess it is so it'll be a higher temp once it is actually boiling, since they only boil for 1 minute.
Another easy way to hard boil eggs is if you simply put them in your rice cooker. Then you get rice and hard boiled eggs. Win Win situation :p
This is basically how I make mine. They come out so perfect that I get disappointed when I eat hard boiled eggs that aren't made this way.
Just want to say congratulations, you've gained almost 3000 subscribers since I started watching you. always love your recipes!
Nothing makes me more frustrated than the tedious task of peeling a hard boiled egg that doesn't want to be peeled!
Easy but effective...Would you bring hard boiled eggs as a snack around with you or just leave them in the fridge?

Tip to keep boiled egg for a long time

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRUWHfiqj8TSBSLWGBxEC3tMv2RgyZ_jG Surabhi is a phone-in quiz on Kairali TV in which callers can win prizes by ...

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs with the Power Pressure Cooker XL

Chef Eric Theiss makes perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs in minutes in the Power Pressure Cooker XL. This healthy, omega-3 rich summer staple is perfect to ...

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Mine doesn't come with a wide rack. Instead it comes with a steam tray
+creg marte same
So, how does he make his deviled eggs?
+MrU2kite Hi. It's very simple!  For 6 eggs use the below recipe. 1/4 cup mayonnaise1 teaspoon prepared mustardSalt and pepper, for taste 1/4 tsp paprika Mix all ingredients with the egg yokesGarnish the top with paprika

Perfect Half Boiled Egg Tutorial

This is an easy tutorial on how to make perfect half boiled eggs. I boil the eggs for exactly 7 minutes to achieve a warm but runny egg yolk center. You can do 6 ...

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So much water wasted just to boil eggs 
+Amanda L thx u so much I am 12 and wanted to learn cooking basics to start I decided to go with the egg first thx a lot^_^
Ever heard of the water cycle?
Or u could just take a smaller pot..
+Thishoban Sandra okay you try cooking food without any water then.

Does Ray Winstone apologise to his boiled egg? - Would I Lie to You? At Christmas: Preview - BBC One

Programme website: //www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04wgsc7 Tough guy actor Ray Winstone claims that he always says "Sorry, Mr Egg" when he bashes ...

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'Just keeping me eyes on the Germans' haha brilliant line, only Ray could pull that one off :)
One of the best lines ever.  :)
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