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Le point sur la 8ème génération de console

Si vous êtes un fanatique de la Playstation 4 ne regardez pas cette vidéo ;-) Je vous donne mes sources : Nintendo : 2014 sera l'année des joueurs ...

Microsoft makes terrible attempt to promote halo 5 With UFC. Cringe Worthy

Heres a link to see the cringe worthy attempt by Microsoft to use ufc to promote halo 5 //gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=208778.

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look at all that hate bro it the Pro xbox dobros they mad nigga
+Sharrieff Hamilton I look at video hell Times Phil Spencer's a fucking dick funny shit bro
It's always some punk ass pussy who hates the truth. A bunch of fucking keyboard tough guys. Won't say it to my face.
Yoo little nigger shut the fuck up lol.
Stop playing stupid vidiagmez lolJapanese gayyyyyyyy
Shut your goofy ass up...... Fucking moron
Show the fkin video dumbass!
+Jaeger Supreme apparently you do because you keep replying.... Go jump off a bridge
+Sharrieff Hamilton Yeah I see that. So change your fuckin headline then. What an idiot. No wonder you already have more dislikes. No one cares what u thought of it.
It's no video idiot...... Click in the description stupid

Watch Dogs vs Assassin's Creed IV PS4 & Xbox One Pre-Order Numbers

US Pre-Order Numbers: Watch Dogs PS4 136000+ Assassin's Creed IV PS4 181000+ Watch dogs Xbox One 82000+ Assassin's Creed IV Xbox One 118000+ ...

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Watch dogs is much better man
Your comment is almost one year. Am i invitere to the birtday party? Oh and at this time you diden't know that WD is a piece of shit and that AC4 was the best in the series so far... So... Why did you say WD was better then AC4? At the time you had not tried any of the games... Again am I invitere to the comments birthday?

PS4 sells 3.4 million since launch | Xbox One Struggles in EU | Wii U Finally Breaks 5 million.

Welcome to the Next Generation of the Guru Show. I hope you Enjoyed the Video All the Links to the Article and my Gamertags Below. //www.vgchartz.com/ ...

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Savage into class

AAApocalypse: Assassin's Creed Unity

It took 10 years for the mainstream to figure out that developers are creating buggy, unplayable games that underwhelm almost everyone feeding on the internet ...

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The PR disaster of the female models was just a way for them to cover their ass without having to admit that they were rushing an incomplete game to market. In fact, I think the feminist reaction to that covered up the real thought that should have been brought up: "Why don't they have enough time/resources to do this?" Some media journalists made it all about not caring about/hating women, when it was really about loving money more than effort, planning, and consumers.
Money and time is the real cause of this, not some agenda against women. Designing a female playable character and all the other stuff takes a lot of time and money, you can't just plaster boobs over a male skin or push stuff from an old game straight in. There were post circulating that it would only take 2 days but this was just for the skeleton. Two full days for the basis of a character when they can barely get npcs to not float up into the air. They simply lacked the resources. Ubisoft have a terrible way of making games with multiple studios all going at it at once with no real idea what is happening. They don't get enough time and then they are shipped. The whole female character thing really obscured just how bad this process was, it's complaining that the cart isn't being pulled by the right horses when you are sitting on a pile of logs.Also if people really cared about female characters in AC they'd buy liberation. If there was a real demand they'd see the money being spent but it simply wasn't which is a same as it actually tried new stuff and had a way better protag than AC3. If it had sold they would have had to put female assassins in as they want that money to keep following. They didn't so cut the budget where it looked like they could save.Unfortunately Unity won't show crappy games won't sell, I fully expect another one with just as low quality. 
+Christopher James That was definitely part of it, but I'm just saying that it wouldn't have been as huge of a deal if they weren't somewhat nervous about people realizing how incomplete the game was.
Seems to me the PR disaster re. the lack of a female protagonist skin in the game was fermented by people/media ignorant of the AAA design process and not the developers trying to "cover their asses".

PS4 NEWS: PS4 Outselling WII U & XBOX ONE Worldwide! (PS4 ON TOP OF 8TH GEN)

Thanks for Watching guys...Be sure to look out for more videos coming soon on the channel. ▻The PS4 Units sold since February 22nd, 2014 have now been ...

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PS4 NEWS: - PS4 Outselling Wii U & Xbox One Worldwide! #ps4 #xboxone #wiiu 
Playstation glory days are back!
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