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The Truth about 'Fake Snow' conspiracy

This is my response to all the 'fake snow' videos. Snow has a volume of 90% air, and has thermal insulative properties. If you try to burn it with a lighter, some of ...

User Comments

the snow should melt before it turns black
+Nicey H. No, it shouldn't. Snow has a lot of air and had a high heat capacity, so it isn't really that easy to melt the snow.
It's not so much the turning black that worries me, it's more the fact that it smells like burnt plastic or rubber, and when I heat it up with a flame, it doesn't drip. Your stuff looks like clean snow because it drips when heated, rendering your experiment false.
+crwalpole It's the smell of burnt soot, and soot came from the lighter, so it is mainly made of carbon, just like rubber (so when they burn, they produce similar compounds). If you think the smell is coming from the snow, then you need to explain how the same smell is also there when you burn distilled water you previously froze in a fridge (I tried that). Another experiment which I havent tried is to burn the snow with a cleaner flame (like a blowtorch), and it also won't smell.
+5Xum Okay, so how do you explain the smell of burned rubber?
+crwalpole It drips because he used wet snow. If you take freshly fallen dry snow (the one that falls when it's very cold) it takes much longer to drip because it has more air to absorb the water.
So when you do use a match and it still turns black what's the excuse then that the matches have a chemical that turns the snow black as well
+marta wilder Yes... it's called carbon.
Clearly the snow you had on that day was natural, however, where I am it's not. I can't get the snow to melt using a lighter and when I make a snowball, there is no moisture whatsoever left on my hands. I'm hopeful for a natural snow fall, but so far this winter for Nova Scotia, its been engineered snow.
+Fight For .Freedom That page does not cite any sources. There is nothing to differentiate that page from pure fiction. I don't understand this propensity for believing people who have nothing backing them up. You still have not provided any reasons for me to believe you or care about what you have to say.It is not my responsibility to prove that something imaginary does not exist. If it were I would still be trying to disprove invisible pink unicorns. It is rather your responsibility to prove it does exist. If chemtrails existed I would think you would care a little more about getting people to believe you. As it stands, your weak argumentation and total lack of presented evidence leads me to believe that you don't really internally think chemtrails are real. For there being so many mountains of evidence out there, you seem very reluctant to actually provide any. I wonder what that means.
Dane is not a scientist, he's a serious researcher and activist. There is plenty information available on the subject written by others; but the fact remains, we are not being told the whole truth, not even close and that is the issue. If our tax dollars are being used for such a program, then we should have all the information provided to us about it, so why the secrecy? People know the spraying is toxic, many have tested water, soil and even their own blood etc, and results always come back positive for aluminum oxide, lead, barium, mercury, stronthium, etc..Anyway, it's not my job to convince you, if you care enough, then you should look into this further on your own. I believe what I believe because I trust my own eyes, I have taken many photos of this strange activity going on right over my own house. They aren't simply cloud seeding, as I watch them spray when there isn't a cloud in sight! People around me complain about their gardens doing poorly because of lack of sunlight, but they fail to make the connection to the aircraft spraying as to why there is sun shortage. So all I can do it tell them watch the airplanes passing over head and the behavior of the so-called contrails and hope it sparks something in them to start questioning.//rense.com/politics6/guineapigs.htm
+Fight For .Freedom That's just more fallacies. His being a father or telling you stories about how he lives off the grid don't affect his scientific credibility--that's like saying you should believe in magic because Nostradamus was a family man. And you are ignoring my more important point, namely that you are arguing from ignorance and that stance can be used to prove any proposition. The lack of evidence does not constitute evidence! Where is your evidence?Frankly, if you truly believe that such a massive and deadly global conspiracy is taking place, it is your responsibility to convincingly warn as many people as possible, and you're doing a poor job of it here! Don't you care about others' lives enough to put up a good case? I promise you, if you were to convince me using solid evidence that chemtrailing were occurring, I would become your number one ally in spreading the word. But among the dozens of chemtrailers I have talked to, not one has ever provided me with real evidence.
+Gregory Page No I do not rely solely on Dane Wigington, he admits himself he doesn’t know everything, he can only go with what he can collect in data and the rest is guess work, as the government(s) won’t come clean with the truth and they never will, but Dane keeps trying to get answers and more he wakes up to this will also put the pressure on the gov.I don’t think Dane is in it for the money either, he accidentally discovered the chemtrail activity because his home is completely off the grid. His house was on the cover of National Geographic some years ago as he has a major solar field around it, but he started to notice his uptake wasn't fully charging the batteries. He checked his equipment and there was nothing wrong, so he looked up at the sky and realized the sun was being blocked by these long trails and the rest is history. Dane is a husband and a father and he is ripping mad at what he has found out, and rightfully so, we all should be! He wants his children and unborn grandchildren to have a future and he doesn’t see that happening if this criminal activity in our skies doesn’t stop and soon!And as for believing in something and finding out later is wasn’t correct, of course, who hasn’t? But it was purely out of my own ignorance by not questioning. I finally learned to question everything, and since becoming a person that questions everything, I also gained enemies, but that’s ok, it means I’m on the right track! ..lolI prefer truth over lies any day, even if it’s uncomfortable. And I will never stop seeking it, have to wade through a lot of crap though, but that comes with the territory, and when you think you've got it figured out, you don't, there is always more! So I always keep an open mind, so information can always be absorbed and weight out by my little brain. How's that for logic? ..lol
+Fight For .Freedom But if you don't rely on scientific evidence, who do you rely on? Dane Wigington? But by your logic, he could also be trying to deceive you--after all, he and other chemtrail believers stand to gain fame, attention and money for lying, so he and they are also untrustworthy! Thus you can't trust the government and you can't trust Dane, so you must rely on yourself. But are you willing to tell me you've never believed something that later turned out to be wrong? Are your senses infallible?In a more general sense, you're arguing from ignorance, which is a very dangerous fallacy. You are taking the /lack/ of scientific evidence as /evidence/ in itself, but that works for any given proposition! The government is covering up the fact that all government workers are aliens--after all, if they were, they would cover it up, and we wouldn't see any evidence. We don't see any evidence, therefore all government workers are aliens. Do you see where that line of thinking breaks down?
Of course someone is going to try to debunk Dane or anyone that's not going along with the status quo ...the criminals hate getting exposed. Something also to watch for if you are willing to take the time, is watch for aircraft leaving long trails and other planes leaving none, but they are both flying at the same altitude at the same time. You don't have to be a genius to know something it up! And relying on mainstream scientific evidence is like relying on a politician to tell the truth. No mainstream scientists are going to be honest in their findings, they are not allowed, it's a matter of nation security. Truth is found in the small unpopular groups, you'll never get it going down the wide hwy to ruin where sadly most like to travel. I trust my memory and my senses, we have brains for a reason, therefore we have the ability to discern information. Hope you get you memory back soon! :)
+Fight For .Freedom I do; here are his ten main talking points, debunked: https://www.metabunk.org/threads/debunked-dane-wigingtons-10-bullet-points-regarding-geoengineering.615/As humans, we are great at fooling ourselves. You convinced that the sky today is different than the sky of yesteryear, but that's your fallible human memory. I don't trust mine, which is why I rely on data collected over decades which shows that the amount of particulate matter in the atmosphere is not increasing on the whole (//journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00074.1).
He probably was, however, today it's clear that it has gone well beyond cloud seeding. NS is a lush green province that gets lots of rain without the year and lots of snow during the winter normally, I say normally, so there is no need for clouding seeding or man-made snow. But today, we have less sunlight and crops are not producing like they use to and this has been the case for awhile. We either get to much moisture when we shouldn't, and not enough when we need it. The skies are proof enough that they are doing something, because you can watch what's going on right over your head everyday, you would have to be blind to miss it!These so-called contrails are not the same contrails a few years ago, though there is still normal contrails from commercial aircraft, they are short and move with the airplane because they dissipates right away; then there are the chemtrails that are so long you don't know where they start and where they end, and they grows outwards covering up the blue sky turning it into a milky soup! It literally blocks the warmth of the sun after the sky has been covered with the stuff!Not only that, the amount of aircraft that are going in the same direction. I tried counting them one day, there were 14 white unmarked planes in less then 8 mins, all going the same direction, all leaving long trails, and ruining my beautiful sunny day outside! This is a daily occurrence now from when I first took notice almost three years ago and they have stepped it up, it's seldom not to see this, where as before it was normal for the sky to be a beautiful deep blue very day. My older photos show real sky, take pictures outside today and it's a completely different sky. I use to be able to sit out and star daze, not anymore because of the constant spraying at night too!The money for such a program is not an issue apparently, the Canadian deficit is getting ridiculous and I know the US deficit has gone into outer space never to return! So don't worry about the money, they do seem to care!Do you know who Dane Wigington is?//chemtrailsplanet.net/2014/02/02/dane-wigington-update-chemtrails-climate-engineering-and-weather-warfare/
+Fight For .Freedom Your grandfather was probably talking about cloud seeding. There is a difference between weather modification (i. e. cloud seeding [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding]) and climate modification, which has been discussed but at this time would be prohibitively impractical and expensive to implement.What actual evidence leads you to believe that large-scale climate engineering is taking place? Remember, the program would cost possibly hundreds of billions of dollars, and would require the complete complicity and perfect cooperation of thousands of people to cover up. In my experience, the U.S. government isn't that competent, if you know what I mean.
+Gregory Page I've lived here in NS my whole 47 year life, I know what snow is trust me! Weather Modification is not a conspiracy, it's a fact! I'm disappointed you don't know that? When I was a young teen in the early 80's my grandfather said to me, "you know the scientists are working on a way to make it rain for the farmers during a drouth to save the crops." I laughed and said, "there is no way man could make weather, that's God's territory. " He said, "well they are going to try to." My grandfather read a lot science literature when he was alive, and enjoyed talking about new technologies, especially if he thought it was for the greater good, and hated things that were bad for mankind, like TV and credit cards ..lolWhat's different today, they won't talk about weather modification openly anymore, however, the Government of Canada has a webpage that does mention the program, but with very little details; zero details how it works, or what chemicals are used and who's doing it or why? Basically, it just admits to the weather modification program and that's all. What is equally interesting, there is also a gov page that explains what "contrails" are, they did provide a lot of details for that oddly enough, however, it's obvious they were fudging the science so people would think those long horizon to horizon trails were "contrails", that hung around for hours and grew outwards in size. Not only that, most of these aircraft are unmarked, and I know for a fact it is extremely illegal to fly in Canada and (I'm very sure the US too) airspace in an unmarked aircraft. But for some reason there is a crap load of unmarked planes one after another flying overhead?Anyway, I found it amusing that the Government of Canada went out of their way to create a page to explain so-called "contrails" to Canadian's. I guess they were tried of explaining the bs science over the phone to concerned callers, and now they can just direct them to a webpage that explains the bs for them ...that's what they did to me when I called them, "go this this webpage please mame" ..lolBottom line; there is a weather modification program being carried out everywhere, and I fear it has very serious applications to it, and government is not willing to talk about it.  However, this shouldn't be shocking to anyone, we all know politician's are never transparent and are caught in lies over and over again! 
So you live in Nova Scotia and yet you don't know that some snow can be wetter than other snow. And from that fact you base your belief that there is a vast worldwide conspiracy. I'm slightly disappointed.

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