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Fortran Programming Tutorials (Revised) : 009 : Geany Features + Parameter keyword

This is a series of tutorials on fortran programming. It is made targeting science and engineering students who are beginning to learn programming, but I ...

User Comments

lease help! i installed Geany on my windows 8 and tried running a program.it gives me an error on the bottom most bar saying: 'process failed (createprocess() failed : The system cannot find the file specified .) and when i try executing it, it shows me ' program name is not recognised as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file'. Please help

2.3 Connect/disconnect From gdb-ELE Client

Dangerous Run-Up and Tailgate: Affordable Plumbing (Ohio PGD 5075) 4-8-2015

So the owner (who was not the one driving btw) called me back. First he himself is a "cyclist" (of course). Then he did not see the problem. He doesn't think he ...

User Comments

I do see the van approach slightly quick and close probably assuming u would move as close to the side as possible Not to impede traffic like u did almost as if u are putting cameras on ur bike looking for people in cars to piss off and since u have camera u play it off to be a good person. Each side will have a different opinion but truth is looking at this I see a van who is out working for a living and some douche bag on a bike with cameras playing the victim and has way to much time on his hands u should ask for a job and keep ur bike out the street causing problems for people who r just trying to get to their destination
+Joe Lewis You are the one that obsessed with what I do in my spare time. I didn't start anything. I was minding my business, lawfully driving my bike, on my way to work when someone made a conscious decision to put my life in danger. I posted the video to raise awareness and to educate others of what is not safe. I notified the business owner as I'm sure he does not want to see one of his drivers found at fault when they are reckless and injure someone who is lawfully using the road. Sense that time you have repeatedly came to my channel and my video to comment, and get upset because someone simply expects other road users to drive safely and lawfully.
Do u ever just stop damn dude get a life please do it for ur own piece of mind u make ur self look like a pathetic guy who feeds off attention from people for shit he starts
Ohio state law considers a bicycle a vehicle so I will use one.
Find a new life mission /hobby this is getting old and pathetic take ur fiancé out for lunch or something and please use a vehicle to get there give the bike a break buddy
+Joe Lewis Actually except for being hit/sideswiped a quite a few times and 100's of close calls, luckily I've never been seriously hurt. I'm glad you think SAFE DRIVING is a "crazy life mission" That says alot about you. And if you paid attention to the video at all you would know it's not fantasy, it's the law.
OK so now it all makes sense u have had a horrible experience either u or someone who was close to u has been a victim of a careless driver so now ur on some crazy life mission good luck I'm not going to keep entertaining ur craziness in ur fantasy world
+Joe Lewis Many of us who post videos are not "looking for trouble". I would actually rather post a video of someone doing it the right way. It makes me feel better when I can report that a commercial driver was courteous. I post many of those videos myself. +Bicycle Driver has also posted a few videos of courteous commercial drivers. Those videos don't get a ton of views because the nature of the internet is not geared towards good news. Those "good news" videos get shared to the company social media like FB and Twitter. Cyclists don't need to go looking for trouble. Do you know that streets are public places? Before the automobile they were treated the same way as a public park. Kids played in them and people did commerce there also. Then folks in cars decided that they needed to use them to get someplace as fast as possible. People were being killed at an alarming rate and the people who had interest in cars had to spin that horrible data in order to keep them from being banned from the roadway. Think about it. We justify 30,000 road deaths a year, all because the public thinks they need 2 tons of steel to carry 200 lbs of people and 50 lbs of groceries.
Probably just shows new account because this is first time I commented on a video since I switched cell providers and bought this new phone not related to this other party of the video I also don't see how u say everything in each statement so exaggerated like u where in that situation because of the van a door could open regardless if he was behind u or not if the video showed anything that drastic my comments probably would be saying a different tune this particular one tho isn't worthy of the issues ur pressing but that is my opinion
+Joe Lewis First I assume you are a family member, friend or the driver, as your account was created just to comment on this video. I have someone and many things that keep my attention. 1 of which is people driving safely on the roads especially when they are around me or other cyclists. I'm getting married this year which is why I wan't people to follow the law and drive safely instead of putting my life in danger. You don't think it's dangerous for someone to run up on a cyclist with a high speed differental, to put on the brakes at the last possible moment before hitting the cyclist? You do realize that at the moment he was trying to force me over there were parked cars on the road one of which was running. What if that person decided to fling their door open just as I was passing and just as this van was less than 1 car length behind? That is a VERY dangerous situation. My LIFE is far from petty or meaningless. I hope one day you realize there is a human being on that bike, they are trying to get some where just like everyone else, they have legal RIGHTS to the road (btw motorized vehicle drivers only have legal privilage to the road), those rights include avoiding surface hazards, that you have to follow the law and keep a safe distance, and only pass when it is safe to do so. Your destination is not more important than my life.
Ok not trying to entertain this I just feel that the van could have used a little more precaution and at the same u could of used less of used the road and he could have passed now maybe u should put this much effort in contacting the proper channels to get the roads repaired I can say I definitely don't see that the driving was excessive/severe or dangerous enough or to the extent that would cause all this extra meaningless fiasco u are putting on over something so petty and hopefully one day u will find someone or something that keeps ur attention and gives u a life other than being a neighborhood bicycle camera guy who obviously needs a new hobby or something
+Joe Lewis I have a job. That was MY destination. I was not impeding. As stated in the video I have to be doing an unreasonable speed for a bicycle to be considered as impeding. I also pointed out all the surface hazards that I was avoiding that the law gives me full right to do so. Approaching "slightly quick and close assuming I would move over" is called trying to force me over or being a road bully. I was using MY lane within my legal rights. I have the cameras to document when people perform unsafe manuevers, report them and post them so that others can see what it looks like when you are on a bicycle and someone wants approach at a high closing rate or stay less than 1 car length off your rear. And how exactly did I cuase a problem for this guy getting to his destination? He still got there. There's a whole lot more things than bicycles that "impede" your progress to your destination. In fact this was the time of day that school lets out and school busses are droping off kids. There's people making left turns, there's people crossing the street ect ect. There is no problem to remain a safe distance back and what untill it's SAFE for the cyclist to move right, or it is SAFE for you to use the next lane to pass.
It don't look like tail gating to me he was just passing you he was not behind you that long to be tail gating you dumb ass wow
+Kristie Cooper I have tons of video where people make it to their destination without putting my life in danger.  I am given space and once the conflict zones are clear the motorist makes it around me in a timely manner. Often times business owners feel entitled to the roadway, perhaps because they use it to do business. Remember that driving a car is a privilege and not a right. Driving a bicycle on the roadway is actually a right. Car culture tells you that roads were meant for cars but history says otherwise. People with an interest in seeing car culture continue have to spin the history and stories in a way that justifies 30,000 road deaths a year.
+Kristie Cooper Your comment wouldn't be influenced by your relationship to the driver/company, would it?
+Kristie Cooper He is less than a car length behind me while I am doing 15mph. That is not a 3 second gap. As I stated in the video if I had to suddenly stop for a kid running out in the street, this guy would have already ran me over before his foot hit the brake. Secondly I posted the Space between vehicles law in the video. NO WHERE in the law does it mention any kind of time requirement. Tailgating is a function of distance not time. Even in the couple seconds where he ran up on my ass he was tailgating (NOT follow another vehicle more closely than is REASONABLE and PRUDENT, having DUE REGARD for speed and conditions). He was less than 1 car length (tailgating) behind me for 30 seconds. You know damn well if someone were following you this close in your car you would get nervous/upset/slam the brakes or what ever your personal reaction to tailgaters is.

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