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China gate rosslyn Videos

Rosslyn Chapel - Beehives

This video explores the symbolism of Rosslyn Chapel's beehives.

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Thank-you! Lovely to hear you enjoyed my videos. Eleanor was indeed exquisitely beautiful :-)
Thank-you! :-)
So perfect.

Jacobs Ladder - Rosslyn Chapel, St Marys,12 sycamore,1 ash tree Mt Lothian, Knights Templar,Temple

//www.digitalsilver.co.uk/TimeGu... //www.philipcoppens.com/rosslyn_... //www.celtictrails.co.uk/tours/t... "Legend has it that treasure of the Knights ...

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French legends about the Templar treasure apparently also state that the treasure was taken to Scotland, with the knights landing on the Isle of May, the first island they would encounter in the Firth of Forth. Geographically, this would take them to the mouth of the river Esk, which could take them on to Rosslyn..."
"Legend has it that treasure of the Knights Templar was removed secretly from Paris, to be hidden in Temple. A local legend states: 'Twixt the oak and the elm tree/You will find buried the millions free.'

Mysterious sounds from Rosslyn Chapel

This brief footage(recorded on 19/10/07) of a tour guide a Rosslyn chapel also picked up wierd interference, sounds a little like analog dialing, I have no idea ...

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high pitched sounds of a security camera/alarm system otherwise hard to hear. maybe your camera [I'd take it back to the store]. though i will say that at times, against the backdrop of 'silence' I've heard what sound like organized high pitched sounds. could just be a sensitivity to something totally logical though i have yet to figure out exactly what that would be. tempting but not assuming yet that what i'm hearing in this way is something metaphysical.
@stonecreed i pay my taxes cause it buys me time alone to believe in just what your trying to put down ;) actually the templars did the very same thing in thier own way. im not christian but "render unto ceasar, what is ceasars' and the "lords'" the lords' "fits in because its common sense . oh wait, people who deny spirituality usually lack it .. sorry
@stonecreed, king david of scotland gave the templars land (ballantrodoch/temple) BEFORE the templars started digging at the temple in jerusalem. the first templar grand master hughes de payens CAME TO SCOTLAND AND MARRIED THE DAUGHTER OF ST. CLAIR TO TIE UP A DEAL WITH KING DAVID- THE TEMPLARS TREASURE WAS ALWAYS COMING TO SCOTLAND...
I believe it is holding beautiful music but we need to be very clean in order to hear it and play it because I think this chapel is designed to pray using the abilities of the brain to "absorb music" as "an intelligent signal". I think "music" is a form of "intelligence" and a "real language" much more than any "verbal language".
Interesting. Its recorded on the left audio channel at a lower ambient sound than the right channel. Its similar to a noise the image stabilizer makes inside the camera when faulty but that sound should have been recorded on both channels L&R. Strange, thanks for sharing. Axis
@stonecreed you are so right.... in all terms! who's thinking about such stuff today and if when would this pass over the mass media, i guess no ;) sad story we live in... bless
It is only the AUTO FOCUS of the camera. I had a bridge camera and it made the same sound in all my videos if I were not in manual FOCUS
That's the cealing about to cave in on her head. That's why she refused to be still - inching her way out the place
Well, its obviously God trying to tell us something. What else could it be. The sarcasm just drips from my fingers.
Not sure what it is, but I'll mention it if I find it somewhere. I assume you know about the Rosslyn Motet?
you all fucking batty, its a british phone ringing. AKA: INTERFERANCE. put the tin foil away. jesus.
American made electronic device? do you even make electronics?
This results in not having an American made electronic device.
assasin's creed had something on the solomons cave escavation
what if Rosslyn Chapel holds the secrets of the universe?
the camera focusing. my camera does it too
Sounds like you need a new camera.

Artisphere in Rosslyn. Opening night.

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Sequre - Let the Panther Lead the Way

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28 July 2012 - London Olympics 2012. Men's cycling road race. Some video, shot in Richmond Park (near Richmond Gate) as the riders came through, heading ...

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