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Mysterious Loud 'Booms, and Sounds' Strike Cape Fear, N.C. 2/28/2012

Big booms and shaking were felt along the North Carolina coast Tuesday that have some people worried. Now, folks are booming with big bang theories on ...

User Comments

I live in Western Europe & have heard some ferocious booms a couple of years back. I live pretty close to the coast. There was no shaking though. Pretty sure it's something natural, or an aircraft breaking the sound barrier..possibly even a meteor entering our atmosphere....wouldn't worry about it!!
+Jonathan Edwards Well I guess we'll never find out unfortunately. I just remember thinking how strange it was to hear something so loud so late at night..it was about 11pm.Rather strange really but I've seen and heard far more stranger things so I wouldn't be over concerned about that particular incident!!
+Cam Era Okay from what I've seen on this video and others like it I can tell you that it does sound similar to a sonic boom(Not exactly but similar) and like you said that it could of been either a UFO or some Black military project that is capable of Hyper-sonic flight that is using a pulse  type engine like the Aurora. Or it could of been the UFO that was dubbed the "Black Knight".  
+Jonathan EdwardsYeah I guess so. Or like a heavy barrel full to the top being knocked over on a kinda hollow floor.There was a huge echo came after it. It wasn't thunder either I believe as it was too loud and no lightening was visible...also it was a perfectly clear night.Just random booms from outta nowhere.But as I said, I wouldn't be worried about it.Natural things happen around us all the time that we can't explain...this is probably just another of those...who knows?!
Did it sound like a cannon being fired? 
Seismic activity on the continental shelf.
The 'boom' is the seismic activity.

Arizona State Hottie Miranda

What college has the hottest girls? ASU by far. check out Orange County's Miranda from Arizona State University at the Tempe12 photoshoot on Las Vegas and ...


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those are witte screwdrivers stamped by matco
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