Kosher Delight or KD used to have the best french fries in the kosher food world, but then with the downturn in the economy they went to those crappy ones filled ...
So did you say anything to them about the fries? What did they say?
Personally, I happen to like thicker fries, ones that have some potato meat
inside them, I don't like thin fries at all.. I feel like I'm just eating
crunchy grease sticks, in fact I think of those fries as goyische fries..
but that's just me.
i just can't get over the haircut. this may be an acceptable 'lol' moment.
i am not an lol-er, but this actually made me laugh. i am sorry for your
@rokercater and you just made it to the comment of the week list on my
blog. You are an embarrassment to Jews everywhere because you sound like an
Get a behind the scenes look with Nina Safar at how Meshuga 4 Sushi celebrates Purim with Sushi Hamantaschen on Kosher in the Kitch TV! Background music ...
Pink Rimmed Gefilte Fish
Get the full recipe for pink rimmed gefilte fish // Jamie Geller shows you how to make a new kind of ...
לבשר היתי מוסיפה כף רסק עגבניות עם מעט צ'ילי או כף קטשופ ,למילוי תפוח האדמה
שמים פלפל שחור ואגוז מוסקט מגורר ומלח תודה ! לרביכה של הרוטב פטריות אני
מוסיפה אבקת מרק פטריות ומוותרת על המלח .תודה