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Forex factory planetary cycles Videos

Three futures

Solutions not only employ robotic factories that make ALL the parts for the best solar AND lifepo4 batteries (or better), unlimited energy solutions also are solved ...

User Comments

The transition movement is a good idea. Imagine a community that trumps over retail by pooling moneys towards collective distribution. The only problem is that of energy, they will have to buy gargantuan amounts of solar and wind, or use large amounts of land for the little bit of energy in biofuels. The EROEI of a panel is about 3 yrs, of wind, about 6 mo. Thus they need to PUT ASIDE much solar energy in order to maintain solar capacity past rated lifetime, and to build factories, etc.
@ammachi3 Did we? I have to disagree (at least to some extent). I believe we are slightly less barbaric than those of the ages you refer to. True, our minds are not completely adept to the "instant" change we allowed "science" to cause. Thus we can not deal with our own decisions. That's why we HAVE to promote clean energy awareness and also, the ability for the average person to figure what amount of it will suffice. We can not live in peace if we do not enact a powerful clean source.
Imagine a state that is owned by the occupants which dedicates all moneys to it which collectively builds upon itself, unaffected by the greed of individual persons and corporations thereby allowing advanced machine automation to produce all material things in highest quality to be distributed in abundance according to the allowable extraction of resources mined from deep below the biosphere as to prevent enviro damage and to further the unlimited and vertical possibilities of people.
Quality isn't everything. This is more coherent because it's a bit slower and less flashy. I like this a lot, well done. Carl Sagan once hypothesized that the change from a type 0 civilization to a type 1 on the Kardashev Scale is the most difficult and the most dangerous transition that civilization will make. I sometimes wonder if we'll make it.
@SisterOfKarn Thank you for the thoughtful reply! Certainly, a type I civilization is the object. Yet it appears that others would rather have a "new world order" full of authoritarian control and (energy) limitations!
@ammachi3 We have not failed... yet! This thing we are typing on is suppose to be good for collective thinking... Eventually money might be too...

The Great Adsense Hoax Machine

The ancient Sumerians didn't even know that planets orbited around stars: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVeOJuhjmps.

User Comments

Silverfuturist. You are right about the Sumerian:s, the average guy did not know about other planet and civilizations and specially UFO:s :) But you are also partly wrong when you say that the Sumerian:s didn't know about astronomy. Every civilization had an elite of people that know about other planets and so and so on. It just like in these days. Most people don't know about silver, and they definitely don't know of what big event will happen on the 21th of December 2012. Even if Socrates did.
Hey Joe! I noticed you said "in North America, sterling is 92.5% silver, in Europe there's a lot of 80% silver... sterling percentage is different depending on where you are". In the interest of correctness, sterling silver is always by definition 92.5%. In Europe, sterling silver is always 92.5%. In fact, Europe is where sterling silver as a 92.5% alloy began, back around 1100. 80% silver alloy is used for coinage in Canada, Germany, Egypt, and many other countries and is never called sterling.
I'm sorry, I don't know of any universal nicknames for the 80% alloys out there. In places where it was used for coinage, it's called coinage silver, but in the USA coinage silver is 90%, and in other countries coinage silver is 70% or even 50%. We could always make one up and see if it catches on?! "Largent silver", perhaps? Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Steve Largent wore jersey 80, and the team retired it permanently. L'argent is even French for silver! Football sucks though, nevermind. :p
No, there will not be a real water wash :) We will enter the Golden Age on the 21 of December 2012. ...and I think you are struck by the 1st wave of the new enlightenment, to come :) But I agree on your top of head analysis, the new times are not a pick-nick ride. The eighty first years can be very rough and unpleasant ones, if you are at the wrong place, and have the wrong mindset trigged for you. A tropical Island sounds nice. Send me info. I can take a look at it when I have time over.
The Sumerians were one of the first known peoples on Earth, about whom we have some kind of written history. They are the ancient people that lived where Iraq is now. The wheel, arrowheads, and farm tools are some things credited to the Sumerians. They were also the first known people to look up at the stars and try and draw what they saw. They were not astronomers. To call them "bad astronomers" is a bit odd. We didn't learn that planets orbit stars for 3600+ years after they were gone.
Regardless of what the rules of the trading game are, if you buying futures or selling short, and you are merely trading paper without the real stuff it is manipulation. By the way, one day in the not too distant future, our nations will run short of food because other nations like china will be purchasing our food futures with large monetary reserves and we will be growing food for other nations and we will be left with nothing.......by the way, that was predicted in biblical prophecy
Wash your silver gently with a sponge, hot water and dish soap. Put a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a glass or plastic bowl. Add 1/4 cup baking powder and a couple tablespoons of salt. Add a quart of HOT water and stir if necessary. Place your dirty silverware in the bowl with all the ingredents and cover or put somewhere the fumes won't hurt anything. Check frequently, up to 5 minutes, don't go longer, most cases will take 2-3 minutes. I saved you hours of buffing.
hey joe, i saw you liked watch?v=kVeOJuhjmps, this scishow guy invests quite some time and money in producing his videos, like what you mentioned in this video. but if you are telling the truth or debunking stuff you really should not care that much about production, that's what i think. may be there's no apocalypse o end or the world anyway, but this guy has an agenda like everyone, he's an anti-prepper anti-silverbug. don't drink the coolaid, of any color.
Planets and Stars orbit about their common center of gravity. While majority of Persians are Iranian, not all Iranians are Persian. Magog is the name of a town in Quebec. The Silver Futurist has yet to show us some Fresh eggs produced by his Hens. Also the Silver Futurist must watch all of the Brilliant Comedy Skits of the Chicken Lady (The Kids in the Hall) and then dress up as the Chicken Lady himself. Do it for your loyal audience.
When you go out in public Joe you should wear a Silver Uniform with SF on your chest (for Silver Futurist, check with San Francisco 49er's first to see if you would be infringing) and a Silver Cape. This way everyone would yell out, there is "SilverFuturist" when your in public and all those people that recognize you could pull out of their pocket their a Silver Coin and wave it at you to show they have broken free from the Banksters.
I'm a Bible teacher, let me know if you'd like to discuss sometime. There are lots of interesting references to silver and gold. For instance this verse which indicates prices of goods measured in silver: "A chariot was imported from Egypt for 600 shekels of silver, and a horse for 150; and by the same means they exported them to all the kings of the Hittites and to the kings of the Arameans." - 1 Kings 10:29
I will keep Adsense on my videos Because my time is money. When someone interrupts my time, they are costing me money. Since many people aren't generous, I'll make sure I get paid, because I respect myself. And I respect my time. Others dont. So if I'm going to spend time doing something (even something I enjoy), better bet I better get paid SOMETHING Views? Meh, who cares. Never pumped myself, never will
Lovin the Mexican Silver JOE! Give it to me now! LOL.... Your right about adsense, I think you were talking about getting adsense like a year ago. I think it be a great idea Joe, some people might get mad but many realize that your information is honest. You can make a few grand a month. Maybe you can do some silver giveaways telling people thats why you do adsense. Who knows. Good video. :-)
Yes, one must evaluate the agenda, incentives, and biases that each knowledgable person has. From Peter Schiff, to Max Keiser, to even Silverfuturist. But let me give you an almost unarguable source: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was the assistant Treasury Secretary under Reagan. Watch the interview he gives to usawatchdog: 'America Is Going To Crash Big Time'
Right a couple of channel that I am subscribing to , I notice that the quality of their post is doubtful , what i mean is that they are posting video just for the traffic the more view the more money , but the message and the quality of their vid is not good . And when a channel have credibility they can post almost anything and sheeple will listen like zombie
Here's what I want to know. With all of the points of view you've shared and learned about. With all of the debunking and re-learning you've done about Silver and various other knowledge areas related to economics and precious metals, why is it that you still buy silver? What are your specific reasons? Have they changed? If so, how? Update Please...!
If the "Aliens" who came were deceivers, like the Bible says, then ofcourse the Mayan info is wrong. The Bible does refer to Iran as Persia. Gog and Magog are Russia and China but not for another thousand years. You'r reference is wrong not the Bible. The war with Gog and Magog happens at the end of the millenial riegn.
Zechariah Sitchen translated clay tablets showing the Sumerians DID know about planets orbiting the sun, and a lot more... If you only think or the 'man on the street', the current 'man' knows what they have been told, over and over again. Not necessarily, 'correct' information, but PC politically correct information.
I liked your Bible references. Have you read the Bible? What do you think about this Scripture? "He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity." -Ecclesiastes 5:10 It's a good warning about trying to find lasting pleasure in material things.
hmmm....considering there are hardly any Sumerian scholars- who are we to trust what they knew about Astronomy? Sounds pretty arrogant coming from a guy who blabs on about precious metals all the time- no offense, I appreciate what you do- but making sweeping statements about the Sumerians seems audacious at best.
Fun fact: Persia is simply the English translation of the ancient greek word for Iran. Iran has been called Ehran or Ehranshah ("Land of the Aryans") for thousands of years by ethnic iranians/persians. This is similar to how "Germany" is really called Deutschland by the native germans
It's incredible to me the number of people that absolutely DEMAND that I answer every question they have, instead of looking it up themselves. So basically, in that case, I see how to tweek my Adsense so I can get paid better for my time. Because I can't stop people being people
When Jesus comes back he will slay the antichrist, break the cross, and slaughter a pig because Christianity was altered when Jesus was on earth. That's why there are so many Christian sects. Puritans don't believe in idols. Modern day Christians use pagan symbols all the time.
you know why they "reed" the edges of coins? it's to prevent fraud, in the old days of Gold and Silver coinage people would scrape a little metal from the edge of coins and eventually their weight was affected -the reeded edge makes it obvious if the coin was tampered with.


paint mixer simulation and animation v2 v1 //www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5wJ-E56T5s.

User Comments

hi, i use realflow for simulations and xsi animation and rendering
Hi just wondering what program you used for this simulation?!
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