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Canada msa population Videos

Canada's Economic Headwinds

Mini lecture, November 19, 2011, fall open house. Given by Professor Michael Parkin.

Breaking New,s CANADA Blast on Muslim Mousq 17th January 2014

Canada Cue

A video that is a visual cue set for 7th grade geography students. Provides background on Canada and a summary of teacher expectations throughout the unit.

First group of people who are about to be Ethnically cleansed

These are about to become, the first race of people in the whole of human history, who are about to be Ethnically cleansed. It is racist, it's genocide, and it is ...

User Comments

So who is behind the cleansing then? This is a serious question.
+beneathme1 How often do we ever have the luxury of knowing who's behind nefarious things? The important thing is to recognize that it's happening and fight against it.
This is the work of the wealthy corporates. It's in their best interests - for profit. 
+John Stevenson Sadly, the world economies need to collapse so that the people can shake off these shackles.  The start of the breakup of the EU is a good start.  I hope Greece leaves the EU, and Italy and Spain follow soon.
The Europeans are ethnically cleansing themselves. They are aborting and contracepting themselves out of existence.
+abukamoon True to a large extent, and very much related to the fatalistic teachings of feminism, which, at its core, is anti-man, anti-family, and, yes, anti-white.  If women would have babies, there would not be this fear of genocide, or a (pretend) need to import savages.

ch3 Population Video

Rmls portland office

Top Destinations in the World | New York City New York Tour | Amazing Place for Travel

The Top 10 - 20 - 25 - 30 Most Popular Travel Destinations In The World | New York City New York | Trip | Tour | Travel Come to get the thing you need: ...

UWO Flu Shot

MSA West Conference 2014: Islamic State of Mind

WATCH DAY 2 HERE: //bit.ly/LwDZWZ //bit.ly/LwDZWZ //bit.ly/LwDZWZ TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE DOOR for $50. Cash only.

User Comments

This is great! thank you! For viewing purposes may I suggest that I think it would be better if you focused on the speaker's face
Thanks for putting this up!!!! PS it's latose-free pizza. pizza can't really be lactose intolerant lololol
Waiyyak brother Michael! We'll be streaming all weekend insha'Allah
jazakallah khair for streaming this
thank you for thissss! :)
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