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Body works arc uiuc Videos

Electrical Current through a Bacterial Toxin

Alpha-hemolysin, a protein manufactured by bacteria that forms pores in cell membranes, can be used to detect molecules because they block electrical current ...

Autonomic Nervous System Insights - Part 4

"Triune Autonomic Nervous System- Part 3 of 4" by John Chitty- Describes the Polyvagal Theory as developed by Stephen Porges, PhD (University of Illinois- ...

User Comments

I can't tell you how grateful I am to find this series, and the free resources on your website in this comment box, but hope to meet you someday to tell you! My hope is to put this work into action in the best way I can. I believe the world will be better for it!! Best wishes.
Thanks for sharing in such an understandable format

Personal Trainers Champaign Personal Trainers U of I Parkland College Urbana C-U

Champaign Illinois Personal Trainer //www.champaignpersonaltraining.com (217) 714-3013 Elite Fitness offers the C-U area a new level of coaching and ...

November 17 2014 The Sky is Falling Purple Frequency Silent Water War

My Hypothesis of the Purple Frequency is only based on my research and some actual observations of mine along with Genesis 1 The Purple Frequency is ...

User Comments

same he leads I follow
+Angel Kennith Wayne Greer well it all leads me back to my Lord.......that is my square one what is yours?
something changes
I love your work every time I think I got it figured out so methinks changes n I'm back to square one
awesome thanks for watching this has been a long learning process still working on it :)
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