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Police car zig zag on freeway Videos

Cash Or Crash: Getaway Drive Multiplayer Free Android Game

Download link: https://goo.gl/8u0U4N 'Cash or Crash: Getaway Drive' begins with an explosion that led to destruction of a bank in the midtown. The coins were ...

Police car doing the zic zac

Car opens door in front of my motorcycle on freeway.

Intentional? In California, it is LEGAL to lane share/split lanes. It's ILLEGAL to open your door on the freeway. The full speed incident can be viewed here.

User Comments

Motorcycle Riders fault
Although we only see a slow motion version of the video.It appears the motorcycle is going considerably faster than the lanes of cars.Therefore he is his own worst enemy for assuming everything will be just fine if he zooms along between the cars.Read below.From Berkeley University//news.berkeley.edu/2015/05/29/motorcycle-lanesplitting-report/This report is often quoted to justify the hazardous practice of lane splitting or as it is sometimes called filtering.Lets take some direct quotes from the report.Title of the report:Is motorcycle lane-splitting safe? New report says it can be.Reply: >>Can be<< is subjective at best and is not 100% positively conclusive.Quote > An analysis conducted by researchers from UC Berkeley’s Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) found that lane-splitting is relatively safe if done in traffic moving at 50 mph or less Reply: >>relatively safe<< is not a guarantee of any enhanced safety over just riding along with traffic.And if traffic is moving at 50 mph or faster do you NEED to lane split? Quote: and if motorcyclists do not exceed the speed of other vehicles by more than 15 mph. Reply: As we see so many times the motorcycle rider is traveling far in excess of 15 mph more than the traffic stream in the typical YouTube amateur videos. Thus the lane splitting safety factor is negated. And the motorcycle rider become his own worst enemy and of course whimpers and cries when the inevitable happens >crash boom bang< from going so fast between traffic lanes.Quote: “Surprisingly, we found that the difference in speed between the motorcycle and the surrounding traffic was a bigger predictor of injury than speed alone,” said study lead author Thomas Rice, epidemiologist at SafeTREC, which is based at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. “Above a 15-mile-per-hour speed differential, the risk of injury rose significantly.” Reply: Backs up what was written above.Quote: From the California Highway Patrol, 997 accidents involved lane-splitting at the time of collision. Reply: So how many accidents involved a motorcycle being hit in the back end verses the 997 who crashed while lane splitting? Additionally, according to California Highway Patrol almost 20% of the riders were not properly licensed at the time of collision. 20% of the YouTube video wizards who lane split are not properly licensed!WOW.997 lane splitting accidents! That sounds worse than just joining the traffic like every other vehicle.Here are the CHP’s guidelines regarding how to split lanes safely:• Ride between cars only if there is room and at >> no more than 10 mph faster << than the vehicles you are passing.• Do not attempt the maneuver at full freeway speeds or in any traffic going >> 30 mph << or faster. The fastest a motorcyclist should be going, based on that guideline while lane-splitting, is 39 mph. <<• Typically, it is safer to split between lanes one and two than other lanes.• Consider the total environment in which you are splitting, including the width of the lanes, size of surrounding vehicles, as well as roadway, weather, and lighting conditions.• Be alert and anticipate possible movements by other road users.• Law enforcement officers can use their discretion to determine if a motorcyclist is lane-splitting unsafely and issue a citation.The last is proof that motorcycle riders cannot do as they please without getting a citation. I would conclude that the report does not prove that lane splitting involves less crashes than motorcycles being run into the back end by texting drivers.997 lane splitting accidents is a lot of crash and burn.Safe? A Questionable Practice in my books.Here is a link to go to//www.californiainjuryblog.com/category/motorcycle-accidentsThere are no reported cases of a motorcycle being rear ended by a texting driver that I can find...A good report on motorcycle safety//www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/pdf/mc2012/MotorcycleSafetyBook.pdf
I've seen you on both of these videos. You're a fucking retard.
Lane splitting is perfectly legal where this took place, opening the door of your vehicle on a freeway however is not. The guy in the car was a cunt, as are you for thinking the rider is a fault.
maybe don't drive like an asshole inbetween lanes aka breaking the law.
+Katrina N Nice are you a crotch rocket or cruiser rider? Yea I've been riding for quite some time now. [email protected] is my email if you wanna continue shooting the shot about bikes but anyway yea I just customised a 99 Roadstar with all kinds of shit.
+Ryan O'Brien Unfortunately no, but I am currently saving up for a bike. You?
+Katrina N See learn somthing new every day lol. Do you ride?
+Ryan O'Brien Perfectly understandable, as it is the only state in the US that allows it.
+Katrina N. I didn't realize. In NJ and like the whole east coast it isn't. so the driver is an asshole lol
A lot of people give motorcyclists crap for acting like they 'own the road'. Large groups of bikers that deliberately block traffic at intersections and things of that nature give a negative connotation to you guys. However, it isn't the hobby, it's the person, and people in vehicles on four wheels can be just as much of an asshat as someone on two. Hope you nail this guy to the wall.
+Ric Escalante Personally, I hope your bike did more damage to their vehicle than they did to your bike. This sort of stuff makes my blood boil.
+Daedalus7491 You're right. You don't polarize a group because of other members actions. I can't say I hate all Prius owners because they drive 55 in the carpool lane, and can't say I hate truckers because they drive slow... or hate all off road trucks with 44' tires because they all have small dicks. I ride a Sport Touring bike. It's the same bike the CHP uses and other law enforcement BMW R1200RT. Some sport bikes haul ass through lanes, some zig zag. But a car door vs. bike, the door wins most of the time regardless of what another biker did to you, the next biker doesn't deserve the punishment. Thank you for the comment.
Nice control :) 
+Nikpick100 Thank you!
That is scary. Have you contacted the CHP? I sure hope so, and they do something about it. Their policies are rather suspect when it comes to things that they don't witness, but better to give it a try.
+CinematicFool CHP has been notified.

CHP Stops Freeway Traffic in Front of Me

The California Highway Patrol stopped eastbound traffic on Interstate 10 due to dangerous debris that was located in one of the eastbound lanes. As I was ...

User Comments

It is called a "Traffic Break". CHP does this a lot.
fucking cops

www.po-light.com Arizona DPS Highway Patrol Crown Vic 1/18

www.po-light.com Arizona DPS Highway Patrol Crown Vic 1/18 Diecast Crown Vic P71 Police interceptor with Strobe lights, Spot , Vector Whelsn WigWag Wig ...

User Comments

I bought 15 of these cars from this person. stands behind what he sells. if you want 1 go to e-bay and put in the search bar.....police lights 1/18 scale.......just like that and it will bring you to 5 of his cars he has up for auction. AAAA++++ seller. thank you dave very much you do clean work. you are the greatest Jeff p.s. to see the 15 cars he made for me do a youtube search put in (20 police cars lights and siren) and it should be the 1st one to come up.
i just got my AZ DPS car today (8.22.07) and its so badass! i love it! awesome work, the car as life with the lights! will definitely buy another soon! thanks for an awesome product!
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