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Kansas legislature hearings Videos

Legislation on SBIR and STTR Reauthorization - 12

Question-and-answer session conducted by Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) at the House Small Business Committee hearing on Legislative Initiatives to Strengthen ...

Missouri Senate hearing on HB1258 April 24, 2012

Craig Lentz, the Missouri father that got his child back finally after his son was stolen through a fraudulent adoption, is being targeted directly in the Missouri ...

User Comments

What are Missouri law makers thinking my son is going thru an adoption of his daughter he want the right to raise his child but now he has to fight the birth mother who has lied about who the father was until dna was brought into question all this law does is give only a mother a right to a child that isn't just hers it is his and he should be given every rights as a mother does to i have never been ashamed of being a Missouri resident until now i hope the senators has to go thru losing a kid
The same thing happned to me i am from KC

Angels singing caught on tape

7 People got together to practice for the choir. They sang Hallelujah through once then after a short pause they sang it through once again to check how well ...

User Comments

Glory to God in the highest,and peace on earth!!!! Yeshua is coming soooooooon!!!!!!!! I have seen heaven one time as the Father took me but I never heard a peep..only saw,felt untill today!!!! Tears of joy have filled me eyes!!! Thankyou for sharing this beautiful, amazing audio with the world!
+servant of The Most High Bless you dear friend. :)
this happened to me once about 20 years ago. I was at a youth meeting near a beach at night an we sang Seek Ye First the Kingdom Of God and when we came to the end where you just sing the Hallelujah part angels joined in.it was the most glorious sound i had ever heard we were only about 7 or 8 but i could hear another bunch of voices singing harmony. It hit me that i was hearing angelic voices and chills went up and down my legs as they are again as i write this.
+Paul Daigle Excellent Paul, what a wonderful and life changing experience. I too have experienced a similar thing, it's something you never forget and crave to happen again. God Bless you. :)
Oh my gosh, it sounds BEAUTIFUL
"would a entire group of 7 Christians, plus their friends all be willing to live a lie to this extent?" You are aware of the Catholic child sex cover ups right? Some of the very most pious Christians on the planet have been shown to be despicable, so would an ordinary bunch of no-ones lie? Of COURSE multiple people would be willing to lie if it made them famous or wealthy or furthered their cause.
+Shadic Nazo That's the opposite of what I am saying. Being a good person should be 99% of it. I don't care what else you believe in so long as you don't make other people dumber.
+Mat Broomfield Would you prefer it to just be "Believe in God and you're ok to be a dick"? Or "Believing in God is most of it, but you still have to be a good person".
+Shadic Nazo Interesting that you think that belief in God is 4 times more important than what you actually do...
+Mat Broomfield When in reality believing in God is only 80% of it, the other 20% is actually being a good person and not a dick.
+Mat Broomfield A lot of Christian's think that "Oh I believe in God, all my sins are forgiven, I'm gonna go be a dick of a person, and since I'm saved, it doesn't matter!".
+Shadic Nazo It's a sad reflection of Christianity then, with over 2 billion of them, that people who actually try to do what the Bible teaches are so rare.
+Mat Broomfield Then you have really bad luck. Because there are real Christian which are really nice and don't like to sin. They exist, they're just hard to find these days.
+Shadic Nazo That's called a "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Every Christian thinks that they are real. They just make excuses for their bad behaviour. I've never met a "real" Christian as you seem to think they should be.
+Mat Broomfield Yeah those supposed "pious Christians" weren't real Christians. Real, true, Christians are extremely nice people and don't like to sin.
+Mat Broomfield In the spirit of truth I have to agree about the atmosphere and indeed the behavior in many Churches Mat, but out there between the nooks and the cranny's, not quite in view just yet but still, a growing presence is coming, a revival of grass roots, true and uncompromising Biblical Christianity. People won't need to wade through the minefield to find it they'll just have to head to the place most others are fleeing from. Most people don't really want the truth, they just want constant reassurance that what they personally believe is true. Tell your Mum not to lose hope, and I hope that you won't either. We must not blame God for man's poor representation of Him.
+Jesus Norway My Methodist pastor abused me physically. As a preteen, I did not care for any distinctions that may exist, and I was glad when he died of cancer at a young age. My mother has spent over 50 years of her life searching for a welcoming church Pentacostal, Methodist, or non denominational community that claims to practice "born again" Christianity, and didn't have a nasty underbelly of backbiting, politics, jealousy, hypocrisy, and worse. Her impossible search continues.I think it's a coping mechanism of all Christians to point at badly behaved Christians and declare that they are part of another group that doesn't do Christianity right. It's called a "No true Scotsman fallacy". Catholics are the largest group of the largest religion on the planet, and I'm quite sure that they would consider themselves as a group, to be highly moral.From the inside, I'm sure that the nuances between one of the 40,000+ flavours of Christianity seem quite meaningful, but from the outside, those distinctions are mostly as relevant as classifying humans by their hair styles.You have a great day also.
+Mat Broomfield Mat. Whilst I see your point quite clearly, there is a huge difference between a catholic priest and a true born again Christian, they are morally and quite often spiritually, a world apart. There is a huge divide between Catholicism and Biblical Christianity even though the media assumes a seamless divide. That is not to say everyone who uses the title "Christian" is pure and blameless, far from it, but I'm just talking about a comparison you made without being aware of the implications. Have a good day Mat.



Maine Legislature's HHS Public Hearing on LD 1162 (Pt 1)

TRUE Mental Health Parity in Kansas

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