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Syracuse ny knockout Videos

Deadly 'Knockout Game' Spread by New Jersey Teens (VIDEO)

A terrifying new 'Knockout Game' has caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is sweeping the nation (they say). Innocent people walking the ...

User Comments

Who gives a fuck ? She's white. Look how many of these white bastards are around the world. Fucking honkeys !!!
gr8 b8 m8
im japanese is it real america? i love usa but....
+Interioroutbreak69 usually very ghetto areas like superbly ghetto
+666 samuraiX Im not American, but from what I've heard, this is a real phenomenon, but I think its restricted to small groups of young thugs in certain areas.
1:15. Best reference ever. A little bit of the ol ultra violence
+Arenzoj okay, Ill check it out. But Ill hold you accountable if it scars me for life
Sir you need to watch the movie like right now. It is probably the most under rated films of all time. The only reason more ppl haven't watched it is bc unlike movies these days it is WAY too violent for tv. Seriously go check it out. You can thank me later
+Arenzoj why? All I can think of is that Lana Del Rey song... Is it a good movie?
Sir you need to check out the movie Clockwork Orange right now
+Arenzoj what is it a reference to?

Deadly Knockout Game Spread by New Jersey Teens (VIDEO)

A terrifying new Knockout Game has caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is sweeping the nation (they say). Innocent people walking the ...

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wow that guys plays the game reeeeeeally good I guess....

Knockout Game - 'Don't Get Knocked Out' Seminar

New York Self Defense Academy For Seminars invitations contact [email protected] or call 646.420.3796 www.ActiveKravMaga.com A terrifying new ...

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this guy talks so fast I cant understand what he is saying
by the way, if I said all that I said slower, this seminar would last another hour
I am sorry about the speed. but you will be able to understand what I am saying though my demonstration.Avi

The "Knockout" Game,Dumbest Game Ever

The "knockout game" that outraged the Syracuse area earlier this year when two teenagers playing it attacked and killed Michael Daniels on West Brighton ...

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Thank god we have Zimmermans out there who have set a good precedence in the legal system for self defense. Stay armed and if you encounter a situation like this where you feel your life is in danger, do not hesitate to use a firearm to save your life. 
You are serious?Zimmerman left his house, got into his car, went searching for 'some black kid with a hoodie' [it was raining, D'oh!], got out of the car and walked several yards. Don't say that justifies that retarded 'stand your ground'-act. Analysis showed that scrapings from underneath the teenager's fingernails did not contain any of Zimmerman's DNA, as may rub off in a prolonged struggle.How do you want to explain THAT?!Plus you are ignorant about the phone-call between Martin and Jeantel...So obvious...
Funny.What Zimmerman did was killing a Black kid on suspicion! Martin ws shot dead for doing nothing. Heck, maybe Martin was the one defending himself?But THAT is all right? Shooting Blacks for fun? Cos that is how you sound.Have you been LISTENING to this BLACK man? I guess not...
Stop saying "our youth". Call it for what it is. It's BLACK KIDS who are doing this! NOT GOOD WHITE KIDS!!!! There's just no recourse any more. We need to return to the Jim Crow laws. It's a matter of self protection. OK, hysterical goody-goody white liberals. Try to tell me where I'm wrong.
+FrankypankyV8  Liberia. That's where Lincoln started sending them 150 years ago. He never finished the job. 
+Woozler554And how are you going to 'choose' the right African country?! Africa happens to be a continent, you know?!Like if the USA is a white nation. Why don't you go back to Russia, Ireland or were your parents came from? How about that, if the Native Americans tell you to f*ck off?!!!Stop wasting my time with your dumbass racist rants...
+FrankypankyV8 As I said earlier, the only REAL solution to the black problem in America is mass deportation back to Africa. Then those po' blacks, who are soooo discriminated against and soooo mistreated by us mean old whites, can finally be away from their "oppressors" and live in happiness, Right? 
+Woozler554 Dream on! To admit what? You can't answer the question either. Don't be stupid!
+FrankypankyV8 Well, it took 2 weeks, but at least you finally admit it. 
@woozler554,You want something from someone else, which you can't of won't give either...I never said I have THE answer!You on the other hand started the racist rant...go figure!
+FrankypankyV8 I'm still waiting for an answer, which you have yet to give me. Your non-response speaks volumes.
@Woozler554,Still ranting my boy?
+FrankypankyV8 Like HELL I didn't! Take a look at my Dec. 8th post, imbecile!  But I'll repeat the question: What exactly IS your answer?  What is your solution, and tell me how it's better than deporting these animals.
You didn't asked ME for a solution...so who is the moron now? Do you also have a solution for the recent shootings in schools or airports?!No! Instead you just rant like a racist about blacks and welfare...
+FrankypankyV8 So no solution, right?  I rest my case.Moron! 
@Woozlers544,Fara Kasimovo was right about stop the hate, as you start talking out of your ass about "give them more welfare money"...How about your stupidity, Woozler554?
+Fara Kasimovo So what exactly IS your answer? Keep taking it until they hopefully decide to stop? Give them more in welfare money to piss away on drugs? Reward them by making them all Affirmative Action doctors and lawyers? Seriously, what is your solution, and tell me how it's better than deporting these animals. You say stop the hate; I say stop the stupidity. OPEN YOUR EYES!
Well said, Fara!
Stop the hate, I know there have been attacks like you mentioned, and I know the media choose to focus on some and ignore the rest, but that doesn't mean you should people based on what some of them are doing. Hate and anger are not the answer, don't let politicians and religion's extremists pollute your mind.
+Fara Kasimovo"Well, it will only take some weeks to be repeated by the good while kids"- Yeah, that's what YOU GOODY-GOODY WHITE LIBERAL LOSERS are praying for, right? Then the moment a white-on-black attack does occur, the dying dinosaur media of CBS. NBC, ABC, CNN, NY Times, and the like will plaster that single story everywhere, (all the while ignoring the hundreds of black-on-white attacks), and try to convince us all it occurs "both ways". Then Booga-Booga will get back into the act and start telling us how the victim looks like him, and the lie will be perpetuated. You don't think we see the game? 
Well, it will only take some weeks to be repeated by the good while kids, so yes. The way I see it, some parents have messed up in their real jobs, color has nothing to do with that!
+Garrett Stephens That is so freaking naïve. Show me videos of white kids doing something like this. 
+mike dick ,The fact that you compare blacks with animals says 'nuff', innit?!And what is 'your truth'? 
+FrankypankyV8 The truth is that the black people that live in the projects are raised almost like wolfs. As you can see they're hitting innocent people for no reason. I hate the black people that are guilty (Actually, I hate people in general that are guilty)... I have some good friends that are black, and even I told them the same thing. You see how deranged al qaeda is, and how nazis were... half of the population of black people are similar; they're bullies... NOT ALL... It's just the truth. It's hard to except, I know... Oh, and if you are willing to send out another implication calling me a racist, I'm not. I hate everyone equally. Anything else?
+mike dick ,"Most black people piss me the fuck off"...And they are to blame or is it your sick mind? What do you do to piss THEM off? Or are you that ignorant?!
Listen, buddy... I'm irish and italian, and even I can admit that no kid is an angel. Most black people piss me the fuck off, and if one of them will even try to hit me, I'll stab them... But, anyway, Like I said, no kid is an angel. White, black, blue, green, yellow. You sounded as ignorant as those fucking black motherfuckers that live in the projects.
Just as you say there are "good white kids" there are also "good black kids"I would never participate an anything this foolish, smh. Don't generalize the race.

Syracuse University Boxing Knockout

Welterweight Tony Chao (Syracuse) knocks his opponent from Virginia Military Institute (VMI) out cold in the first round at University of Maryland "Rumble at ...

User Comments

That was great

Tony Chao 152 lb Knocks his opponent out cold in the first round March 2, 2013 Rumble at Ritchie University of Maryland.

653 Westmoreland Ave # 55, Syracuse, NY Presented by Dan Murphy.

Sharif Bey Simplifying The Moorish Science

Study Group #11 Syracuse, New York.

Group of Men Savagely Beat 70 Year Old Man Outside 7 Eleven for No Apparent Reason - Syracuse, NY

9/23/13 - REPORT: (theblaze.com) - Without provocation, "five or six black males in a group" savagely attacked a 70-year-old man on Saturday morning outside ...

User Comments

When people start arming themselves, these incidences will cease. An armed society is a polite society. These black thugs may not like 'whitey', but even they have respect for firearms. Especially if it's pointing at them. Even moreso if the trigger is being pulled while pointing it at them. Peace through strength.
HA! First off this on abc, if any news station was going to hide the fact they were black it would have been them, second i feel that you don't read or watch the news much because if you did you know anytime they report crimes that are unresolved they always give a description of the the suspects!
I'm stepping forward with information... "The black barbarians have reached the tipping point... 'WHITEY' stay in doors at night... and pay your taxes on time... and if you have a daughter... encourage her to marry a black thug... safety of the tribe kinda' 'thingee.'"
They always say white males when it involves white males. Most of the time black males are described as youth or teen. Either you're ignorant to this fact or are in denial. I really don't want to be insulting but it is what it is.
dare i say it was another nigger crime? whites have to stop tolerating this shit, but hell, their daughters are reproducing with these animals
It won't be long before the Mayor or Police Chief comes out to say "no indication it was race motivated. Obamas sons.
Did they actually just say "BLACK MALES" instead of teens or youths? My mind has just been blown!
They are saying what they look like, if they had been white they would have said white males...
Black Males..!?!? Tell me it ain't so..! Niggers would never do anything like this..!!
The young thug had 17 priors...Syracuse is filled with gangs..and leftist politics
Not all black people are niggers...but these cowards are .
Multiculturalism is genocide of the white race
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