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Shpachenko performs Adam Schoenberg's "Miró's World"

"Woman at the New Piano" was honored with 58th GRAMMY Awards Nominations in 3 categories: Best Classical Compendium, Best Chamber Music/Small ...

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Great video - playing the drum and managing the page turning on the tablet as well as playing the notes must require exceptional coordination!

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Is Anybody Listening? A testament by Village Academy High School students on the economic crisis

A Dream Comes True! Students meet President Obama on March 19, 2009! In addition, see President Obama's reference to Village Academy in his first speech ...

User Comments

This just aired on 20/20 via sky news here in Sydney Australia where I live and go to school. I'd hear news of the economy everywhere i go,but we're lucky here. Its not even close to bad. There are jobs everywhere for those willing to work. So i was ignorant to it all. I cant believe this is happening in USA. I cried and cried that good ,honest people could be doing so bad. Especially to kids. Just like me. I pray you all overcome this and land on your feet. And Barack, mate,fix this. Now.
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. " Henry Ford PLease educate yourself and understand our banking and monetary system. To end and to prevent this type of suffering The American people Need stand up together and abolish the Federal Reserve our childrens children has been in debt to the federal reserve sense 1920 and its just one big fait money shame
People are listening! Although it might be of little help now, I believe that even bad things can lead to great achievements down the line. Many great entrepreneurs for example said many years after being layed off that they would have to thank their old boss for firing them. My family was doing well and then lost a lot. In retrospect it helped me become who I am instead of turning into a spoiled brat. In days like these people buying yachts or Porsches should be ashamed of themselves.
My name is Oliver, from Hong Kong, China. I watched the ABC boardcast on HKTVB-Pearl Channel tonite and learned that you share this on youtube. In HK, there are also many people like you losing their jobs, homes and struggling on the edge. However, we may have no home, but we still have families. We may have no jobs, but we still have the courage to live, the skills to survive. We may have not enough food, but we stills have our strong wills to make the world change. Make you days!
The problem is that in the two terms Bush served as Governor of Texas, the state after he left was suffering from a extreme budget crisis. When he served as President for two terms, the same thing happened, but with the whole entire country, not just one state. He screwed us and the Republican controlled congress up until 2007, when the congress became democrat majority. Bush became President in 2001, that was a good 6 or 7 years of Republican rule. Why are you not noticing that?
I totally understand what youre saying, I mean my little cousin who is just 7 years old wants to become a doctor, and after she watched this video with me, she started crying and she asked me if she would make it, and I couldnt answer her because of the current situation in our economy.Almost everyone in this country (U.S.A.) is affected by this, and we all think that this is just temporary, but if we dont do anything about it, we could be going back to The Great Depression.
Thank you for educating me & helping me realize what people here locally in California are going through due to the Economic crisis. Keep making socially conscious film. Raising awareness is the first-step & key in the fight against the struggle. Stay FOCUSED on your education as much as you can. It must be so hard. But if you want to alleviate stress off of the shoulders of your loved ones, it will help to reach financial freedom so you can help with those monetary burdens.
Omg after watching this vid, it makes me feel so priveledged to live in New Zealand. After it had just aired on 20/20 minutes ago my heart just raced....Can't believe this is actually happening in a continent like the U.S.God bless those children and good on you Barrack for giving them hope..so far so good as a president.. The wealthy people;actors/celebrities should get togeather and form an alliance to help their nation out instead of being stuck up . Love from NZ!
this has just aired on 20/20 in new zealand and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. when the bro said that the sun shines after the storm is testament to the human spirit, i wish all your dreams and aspirations come true. living so far away we're on really exposed to a glamourized america, one you see on tv and the e channel but never the truth. Much love coming out to you all, aidan morrell 1b duke place new plymouth 4310 taranaki new zealand, aotearoa
my name is dennis, from Bavaria, Germany. I saw your video first time today on the ARD, one of the most popular German TV channels and I was very impressed. What you do is wonderful! In Germany many jobs are in danger, too. I know many families who a depending of the jobs of one man/woman and so they have a big problem know... And so I know that the only way through a situation like that is peaceful protest and VERY good friends. I'm sure you'll do your way!
You can do it. I know it tough, but in years past when things were hard, there were people who found a way. There is a scientific study of how flies are put in a jar and screen over the top. They tried to fly out and after many tries over three days, they stop trying. The scientist then takes the cloth off and they stay there. But some fly out. We need to see what those flies did that was different. Be one of those that fly out. You can do it.
Thank you ALL for your kind words and wonderful generosity! A fund is currently being established for accepting donations for the Village Academy High School Students! Please be patient, we hope to have this completed for them this week. We will notify you as soon as it is established. The kids are SO appreciative of the support and well wishes, we just can't relate it all here! Suffice it to say... a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL!
Do you know what the Glass Steagal Act did? It was to cut down on the number of huge conglomerates, not give people a bunch of loans they can't afford. It was to encourage competition in the banking and insurance industries, since so many companies were merging and being bought out, eliminating competition and essentially creating monopolies. I want to note that in 1999, the Congress was MAJORITY REPUBLICAN, not Democrat.
Omg after seeng this on 20/20 I feel so priveledged to live here in NZ. I also feel for the families who's had to lose their homes because of the down fall of the U.S economy. Celebrities and the wealthy folks should form an alliance to help their people rather than being stuck up and selfish. Good on Barrack for making a move and doing something good .. good start for being president lol Love from New Zealand ! xx
"every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction"---Sir Issac Newton. Even though we are in an economic recession right now, things will get better and we will bounce back. Look at the Historical events of the Great Depression, or Causes of the Glorious Revolution in France. The only problem preventing things from getting better is the fact that people never learn and allow history to repeat itself.
Hey, I just saw this video on 20/20 here in New Zealand. I just thought you guys were so brave to do this, to let people see how you really feel, to stand up and be the voice for the people. I was homeless for about two years, and the reality of it is scary, but you can get through these tough times and come out on top, a stronger person. Hold on. People ARE listening.
I know how you guys feel. I am finishing High School this year and I want to go on to University. But I cant, because my parents cant afford it. I am going straight from High School into work and that scares me, because we moved from South Africa to Australia to make a better life and now we are struggling. I am scared for my generation. Thank you for speaking up.
Thank you for sharing this poignant story. To the students, have hope. Our family went through a financial crisis where we struggled to put food on the table, and somehow we got through it. I'd like to see a sequel to this story, next year, perhaps. I know your situation will be improved. To the teacher, you are very special and caring.
I don't see how republicans can say anything at all or even complain about what is being done to combat their monstrous errors. They have destroyed this country. They should be completely embarrassed and dismantled. This is completely shameful. These poor kids have had all their dreams ripped out of them and its all their faults.
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