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Experience university life ubc Videos

UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute - Ahmed and Hamad

Study English at the UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute (ELI) in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. You can improve your academic and general ...

UBC Residence Life

User Comments

The title is a bit... broad, especially for the content of this video. Shouldn't it be something more along the lines of "Sports within residences at UBC"?

UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute - Jingwen (Hope) Zhou

Study English at the UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute (ELI) in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. You can improve your academic and general ...

Res Life - UBC Adventures 3

In which I show you around the rest of my house and the commons block, and also tell you the good, the bad and the ugly about res. Subscribe for more ...

User Comments

I have to admit, that little study space you showed us at 1:20 is kinda creepy. It looks super secluded, yet not at the same time... if that makes sense?
No, you share a bathroom with the people on your floor. Some of the new buildings have private bathrooms/shared between 2 people
That's the commons block, its not great, but its better than nothing. The gym on campus only costs $25 per semester.
Are you going to the nerdfighter gathering this Sunday? Meet at Noon at the Art Gallery!
can you actually cook in the kitchen?
Do you have a bathroom in your room?
What's the place with the free gym?

UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute - Shigehiro (Hiro) Tsumura

Study English at the UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute (ELI) in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. You can improve your academic and general ...

Do Brasil a UBC: A vida no campus UBC Vancouver com Stephanie Mueller

From Brazil to UBC: Life on UBC's Vancouver Campus with Stephanie Mueller) Brazilian UBC student Stephanie Mueller talks about life at UBC's Vancouver ...

User Comments

OI Stephanie existe possibilidade de obter bolsa de estudos parcial na UBC. Qual o caminho a seguir???? Antes ou após fazermos a aplicação....grata
+Neuva Serrao Olá Neuva, sinto muita pela demora em responder, nunca recebi mensagems de que haviam postado aqui!! Eu obtive uma bolsa de estudos parcial no meu primeiro ano na UBC, baseado nas notas de escola que eu usei para aplicar a faculdade.. Acho que é uma questão de mandar um email a eles e perguntar!
Stephanie vocÊ poderia postar mais algumas coisas sobre como é a UBC? Minha filha tem interesse e estamos pegando o máximo de informações.
+tetimueller oi , obrigado por responder. sim ela tem muito interesse. Estamos vendo as possibilidades e em agosto ela estará em vancouver para um intercâmbio de 02 meses. voce pode me add no face book?  rogerio araujo sao luis.
+rogerio araujo Oi Rogério, me desculpe pela demora em responder, não havia recebido notícias de que fizeram posts aqui. Se a sua filha ainda tiver interesses em estudar na UBC, poderíamos nos comunicar sim, espero poder ajudá-la!

UBC Continuing Studies Future Global Leaders Student Profile: Danielle Cattani

In 2015, grade 11 student Danielle Cattani, participated in Clinical Neuroscience Future Global Leaders at UBC. In this video she discusses her experience as a ...
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