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China space white paper Videos

Shenzhou-9 blasts off June 16 2012.

//www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=761709&vId=3326101&cId=Top%20Stories&play=true China's Shenzhou-9 spacecraft has taken off on ...

User Comments

Be thankful that China didn't steal anything from the moon fakers, otherwise we would be filming the taikonauts from a Hollywood studio set in area 51 rather than from their Tiangong space station. Enjoy... I like the last one. It has a catchy tune: youtube[dot]com / watch?v=Zr76qSQ9ZQQ youtube[dot]com / watch?v=8Pwiiw7-h1k youtube[dot]com / watch?v=Jx7xkxeP9vc youtube[dot]com / watch?v=kAMmT2OYXQg youtube[dot]com / watch?v=pyLzvcKssrQ
we stolen techniques from who??? fine , Someone is just shut up , your country don't even try to make a launcher, but we did and succeeded. so please don't joke yourself to us.
Imagine hearing that thing 5 feet away, my god that's loud, but good job sending the rocket
Hard work is paying off ! Congratulations China !!! Chinese people should be very proud !
wow, first western media actually covering this event as breaking news
it is a landmark of space exploration for china and also for mankind!
The Chinese are coming.....the Chinese are coming......
(THIS MEANS WAR) we gotta go light speed USA
lol awkward as hell

Beijing's First White Paper Threatens the Executive Election.

The Cosmic Buddha

The Cosmic Buddha Buddha Vairochana (Pilushena) with the Realms of Existence China, probably Henan province, Northern Qi dynasty, 550--77 Limestone ...

User Comments

I wondering about the hands. Must have been seperate pieces that slid in. And the head too. This is just mind blowing detail.
+Philip Hou have been childish and annoying.  Got that?  So please go play with your toys in your own room, snd leave me alone.   
+Bahb Woolley I've not been rude or confrontational, so what is it that I said which you have a problem with? Why am I thickheaded because you don't understand? Why do you need to understand anyways?
+Philip You're the problem ith the World, people like you how don't even know how to have a conversation with out being thickheaded.  If you actually understood you would have information to share.  Just an idiot troll you are, phillip.  
+Bahb Woolley Because I present no knowledge of it is precisely why I understand it.
+Philip You're very confused about what the meaning of "intended" as it applies to things that are "made".  This is a stature, that was made in sections, some of which are missing.  Simply stop arguing about something you present no real knowedge of.  
+Bahb Woolley I never said it was made that way, only that it was the way it was intended. 
+Philip Yes, there probably were hands and a head that connected. If you have some reason to think they were intenionally made with square holes in the end of the arms state your supposition of go away. 
+Bahb Woolley Your previous comment suggesting there were hands which slipped in? My intention was not to criticize.
+Philip And what makes you think I don't already see that?  
+Bahb Woolley If you learn a bit about Buddhist philosophy, you'll understand why it is exactly the way it was intended.

Airbrush by Wow No.541 " Space Saturn Asteroids " with english commentary HD

//www.wowair.de . if you like my work please subscribe my channel for more videos. . Airbrush mit der Schablonentechnik für das perfekt und schnell ...

User Comments

damn bro, those stencils come out looking sick. mind if i ask what paint you use?
nevermind, i found description

Halloween 1938 War Of The Worlds Legacy Lives On 75 Years Later!!

US Major Dust Storm Pile Up Of 19 Vehicles Kills 3 People Injures 12 In Arizona!!

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