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Plano texas events calendar Videos

QuickCoach: BAMFAM (WorldVentures)

One of the critical strategies for success with WorldVentures is something we call BAMFAM. It's an acronym that stands for “Book A Meeting From A Meeting,” ...

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I love to BAMFAM but sorry no tattoo

Fort Worth Train Show 11-8-2014

November 8 and 9, 2014 was the annual train show in Fort Worth at the Amon Carter exhibit hall. That's the good news, the bad news, this was the last year for ...

Winners of the Enchanted Fairies 2014 Calendar Benefiting the North Texas Food Bank

Share the magic, share the difference, share this video. :) Thanks to You, $30307.57 donated from photo sessions. Thanks to You, $30869.51 donated from ...

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This one is the result, of the force, the courage, and the power to avance in any situattio, any one that is one this..... GREATE WORK GUYS ! I'm PROUD of you all. Aileen (special mention) Danny, Gina, Chris,and all participants.... (everything can get improved).....CONGRATS...... 'pa....
$61,177.08 donatable to the NTFB so far! That translates to 183,531 meals for hungry North Texans. Thank you for your participation in the Enchanted Fairies 2014 Calendar benefiting the North Texas Food Bank. Share the magic, share the difference, share this video. :)
Madeline Higgins RIP was in thiscontest....while all the photos selected were awesome, I realized Maddie wasn’t fairy material...she is now a real bonifide A N G E L !
at 2:09 Maddie DOES appear under the name Burns Family! woot woot

QuickCoach - ETAT

A sikerünk egyik legfontosabb stratégiai lépése nem más, mint az ETAT. Ez egy rövidítés: Egyeztess találkozót A Találkozón! Azt jelenti, hogy a csatlakozás ...

FWRDSDAA's 30th Anniversary Reunion Celebration!

FWRDSDAA is very honored to have Dack Virnig as our Special Guest for our 30th Anniversary Reunion celebration, and please mark your calendar on August ...

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What is your Sign name???

Hill Chapel CME Church "YES"

Hill Chapel CME Church "Praise Choir" Hill Chapel CME Church, Plano, TX.

A View From the Edge 2012 | Testimonies | WorldVentures

//www.wvview.com To learn more about the View and reserve your seat! Have you been to A View From the Edge? If you haven't, it's hard to really ...

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It's training for WorldVentures Reps to learn how to become more successful with their business, and there's also a lot of great personal development that helps people have more happy, healthy personal lives. It's not mind control. The video says "Core Commitment #7" is to "attend all national trainings." Those are just the "commitments" we developed for people who were serious about winning with WorldVentures. Check out the Recap from this year's Dallas event to see the 4,000+ "duped" people.
Training for what? This looks like mind control. I mean, he even says in the video "View #7 is that you must attend." That is absurd! I feel so sorry for the people being duped by this. There has to be some sort of profit being made from this.
Cosmo did you go to school?
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