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Orlando bloom jiah khan Videos

Alia Bhatt Unveils Her Latest Cover Page

A chatty, full throttle, news show with all the latest lowdown on the Big and Small 'B's to the 'Khans' and 'Khan'nots of Bollywood; catfights - on and off screen as ...

SUN AYE BAHAAR ( O JANAM MERI SONAM ) ( mohammad aziz & sadhna sargam )

[email protected] Muslim Khan.

User Comments

As usual this lovely song is sung very beautifully by Mohammad Aziz ji. Sadhna Sargam ji adds her sweet singing. Nice to see one of my favorite actors Govinda singing this sweet song. Thanks Muslim Khan ji for sharing. W.R. Sarla.
@mohdazizsongs1 Wah great song. Again i think of the nice memories. i have this song on cassettes. Beautiful. thank you for sharing. Bye Raj
This is a very nice and beautiful song. Thanks for sharing.*****
@jasbongy thanxxx 4 comment SARLA JEE thanxxx
Beautiful song.

It's a Wonderful Afterlife - Trailer

It's a Wonderful Afterlife - Trailer - It's a Wonderful Afterlife is an upcoming Indian/British/American comedy film directed by Gurinder Chadha. The screenplay is ...

User Comments

@chukkkles FUCK YOU chukkles!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was a hollywood film, But the trailer still sucks!!! I am allowed to write whatever I want! My opinion is that I don't like this!! WHEN did I tell You to comment on MY post!! So! I am allowed to do whatever I want, I mind my own business, It's MY opinion!! You did NOT mind Cuz You actually got that Little time to actually REPLY on my comment!!!!!! Pfff!!! who's the faggot now!!!
@ranixxbollyfan It's not a Hollywood movie either fucking retard! Btw, ur writing on a public place, anyone is allowed to comment on u. If u want us to mind our own business, then mind ur own business and stop commenting on someone else's trailer faggot!
@luftwaffe789456123 Puhh!! Go telll ur shitt someone else!! Again you 2 mind ur own business!!! I am entitled to have My OWN opinion! and this was one!! Not like it then Get lostt!!!! Geeez, go find a new job!!!
I just finisihed watching this movie at kookíca. It's by far the best thing i've ever seen, and i don't even know what to think right now.. it's the first movie that's made me reeallly interested in it.
This movie is absolutely phenomenal. I just enjoyed it on moovis.co.cc and I think it's happy, sad and campy. Destined for cult classic. Cant wait till it comes out on video/DVD.
My mom fell asleep watching this in the movie theater, but I've seen it five times already and I might as well see full movie at kookíca!
trailer sux!! let bollywood be unique and don't turn it into some dirty thing! Don't make it too american!
@ranixxbollyfan what the F*CK is your problem,then go make your own movies can you make one?
I hav her Gurinder Chadha!!!! she iz my best friends auntie :D
i want to do these three italian girls who host this show
@chukkkles Bhah, nothing to say now Huh?? Looser!
@ranixxbollyfan It's not a Bollywood film moron!

pirates of the carribean clip

User Comments

um.... ok. well they were 2 blury
i know i dont know y but ya
omg, its to fast @@

Arbaeen Procession/Juloos Montreal Canada 2015 | Noha Recited By Ahad Ali

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)

Monica Scattini, repose en paix, l'actrice italienne est mort du cancer âgé de 59 ans

Monica Scattini, repose en paix, l'actrice italienne est mort du cancer âgé de 59 ans Monica Scattini, Monica Scattini, repose en paix, le repos, la paix, l'italien, ...

Military stag song

Daniel Maddison and David locke I'm not a great singer so please don't criticize i just wrote this piece and wanted to share it. The original song is Beautiful ...

User Comments

will look forward to davids album too. you guys should team up with more tracks for us, thanx for sharing this one
love it love love it u have lovely tones in ur vocals, a guy going places xx
Nvg's helmet cam where is my? I duno but it's catchy :-)
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