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Asheville nc erwin high school Videos

The Search for the Erwin Ghost Part 2

The Search for the Erwin Ghost Part 2 - www.erwinvarsitycheer.com Footage and EVP's we caught on film at Erwin High School in Asheville NC. The school was ...

User Comments

holy shit! i go to erwin high and i have mr. sexton for a teacher ill keep my eye out next time im there. o and p.s. if you go to the dressing room for the girls and boys in drama and play producton theres a room with a staircase, and if you stay still there for about 3 min. you can hear a REAL metal on metal noise. even the janitors said that they can show you the blueprints, its not supposed to do that
I can tell that you must have attended Erwin High school. "Audiences" is not spelled "Audiances". You must have graduated from there with honor's. A grown man that still believes in ghosts. Really now.
@peeinXian I think its probably one of those water heaters. Its the same noise. I know what you're talking about.
thank you for saying they are good spirits, thats important
oh my god. O.o I have that class D:
Great captures!

The Search for the Erwin Ghost Part 1

The Search For The Erwin Ghost - www.erwinvarsitycheer.com - Documentry about the ghost of Erwin High School with footage and evp's. The school was built ...

User Comments

my grandma, who was the retired lady who heard the doors slamming,, has told me so many storie about her experience.It's nice to see all the familiar faces and hear the stories i have heard so many times. Thank You so much for posting these videos! It makes me want to explore the school more to see what i can find. Thanks again :)
Erwin is the person our school is named after. He was a leader in education in the early 1900's in NC.
I can't get the video to play past 7:36 anyone else have this problem?
this is great go erwin foootball!!!
who is ewirn

Maiden High Cheerleaders @Erwin High School Cheer Comp

Half of the Maiden High Cheerleaders routine during the Erwin High School Comp. in Asheville NC on 1/19/2013.

User Comments

Hey, try do this favour for me. >>Go to one of the History teachers and suggest to them that to introduce his students to theyre own (Traditional) culture's, the students must see theyre own music, etc! So, to the (Lowland) Scot's, Watch>>"Montrose by Brian McNeill"

Cat Fight At Erwin High School

This is the first video taken of a fight at Erwin high school, NC, Asheville. this video was made for court only purposes NOT for reputation. this fight was for a pair f ...

User Comments

Worst fucking piece of shit video ever! Person holding camera is a retard.
all she had to do was hold the phone or camera strait
This is nothing but fucking blur.
Was the camera person high?
You can't fuckin record

Team5 44 Kendra Griffin Erwin High School NC 5'9 140 2016

User Comments

Love Kendra Griffin! I have watched her grow up.. She can play some ball!
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