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December #BTA Calendar - Lunch & Earn

You can download your #BTA Calendar here: //www.evancarmichael.com/BTA.pdf * Join my BELIEVE newsletter: ...

User Comments

Really thanks Evan! We can see that you love help others =D
+Conselho de Quinta :)).. He is #BTA113 Nina
Got my calendar woot!
+RishyCup TV :)) #BTA111 Ivan
Got it thank you very much. #Believe
+Dread Dog :) Woot. #BTA103 Nina
I think I've just chosen my new wallpaper for my room. I just hope I've enough printing paper! Downloading now. Great job BELIEVE team! #BTA128
+Sam rock Hahahahah !!! #BTA103 Nina
Thank you so much Evan! I really needed this! This is definitely gonna help me setting up my own business here in The Netherlands :) #BTA1
+Coloured Candy Sieraden woot.. Good luck. #BTA103 Nina
Skipping what you know you should do early on enables the same later on? So true! A Believer Taking Action calendar? I'm on it! #bta65
+Mr Farid Yes.. Woot #BTA103 Nina
Im sorry to ask, but what does bta stand for?
+ImPex Please check the description box. Thank you. #BTA101 Nina
Do you think there is some attraction in life(not law of attraction...) something like likeminded people attract each other and things align themselves so you could meet such people?I'm having a hard time finding someone on same vibe and ambition , i live in a poor country(Serbia)where everyone is so mediocre and noone cares to improve but waste their life.I dont have any real friends or gf because i cant connect with people from my envirement because i dont engage in drinking and posting dumb things on facebook all day and other wasteful activitys... is there any hope for me too find anyone likeminded, its very tough since as i said everyone is so mediocre here it's distubring would appreciate an answer.Thanks in advance.
+GladX Keep searching. Keep your standards high. It'll come if you continue the search. #BTA109
+Evan Carmichael I am looking but i dont see anyone on my level, and it's eastern europe very limited mindest here i think best at the moment i can do is focus the most i can on my purpose and shine as brighly as i can so to speak as a signal to any great people in envirement that are  looking for someone too
+GladX Who said this was going to be easy? ;) If it were easy, everyone would do it. Start making a conscious decision to look at your environment and the people around you and ask yourself if it's helping you grow to become the best version of yourself and whenever possible, change if it's not supporting your dreams. And for BTA, check the description :)#BTA107
+Evan Carmichael it's extremly hard to find such people ,and what about roomates and relatives and classmates they are there by default cant really choose them but i get your point btw what is BTA number? thing
+GladX Hey man - yes you need to be really careful who you allow into your life because their views, habits, opinions will shape yours. The challenge with having high standards is that not many people have them. If you go bird watching you can find a pigeon as soon as you step outside but you have to pay attention and scout if you want to find eagles. #BTA107
+GladX There sure is GladX! I know how you feel because I grew up in a very isolated environment and making good connections with people was hard. It's about taking that leap, breaking free from your current restraints. Those who are worth building great connections with, takes effort and investigating. They won't come knocking on your door! It's about branching out and exploring new possibilities, get involved with groups that share your interests and network with those you have commonalities with. It means stepping out of your comfort zone, but anything meaningfully achieved in life, requires you to do so. #BTA128

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User Comments

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