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Toyota careers placement Videos

Corporate branding job placement

Peugeot Citroen in Conversation with the World of Work Careers Centre

How will your placement affect your final year?

RateMyPlacement.co.uk - the UK's leading undergraduate resource for work placements and internships. This video shows interviews with students and ...

AUT Co Op placement at Warehouse Stationery

Warehouse Stationery are involved in a work experience program with AUT whereby students in their final year of their Bachelor of Business Studies are ...

GMIT - Mechanical Engineering

Why Study Mechanical Engineering at GMIT? You will learn how machines and other mechanical systems work and how they are designed and controlled.

BCL Call back day March 2013 - What students do on placement

BCL Call back day March 2013.

Luis Lopez Alicea / Master Technician Course Graduate

Fred Wadelin (Master Technician Course Graduate)

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