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Ghibli audi s8 Videos

Supercars in town Part 1

New video! This video is about a few cars I saw in my hometown (Axel). Axel is a very small town so there aren't much supercars /: In this video you see: - Ferrari ...

User Comments

gare muziek man
+THATSPOTTER - car videos je hoort de autos bijna niet zegt ie dan tegen mij ;p
+THATSPOTTER - car videos minder gaar dan deze :p lekkere shots man
Nee jouw muziek was niet gaar wil je zeggen
Nice vid!
+WorldOfSupercars THANKS !

Audi S8 D2 Duncannon Beach

Maserati Ghibli Tdi versus Audi BiTurbo A6 Quattro

It handles poor compared to the Audi. Not nearly as fast (0-60) or efficient on fuel (43 v 52mpg). Sounds good but not as throaty as the Audi. Hasnt got the torque ...

used Audi S8 NJ New Jersey 2008 located in Cherry Hill at Cherry Hill Imports

Audi s8, slalom with instructor

User Comments

That's not a S8, it's the new RS4!
Yep you are right!

audi s8

User Comments

petit joueur 240 avec une s8...

2014 Audi S8 - Marietta GA

Audi S8 Legendary vs BMW 7 serie vs Merc S

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