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Tf2 trading on mobile Videos

[TF2 2016] Trade of my life? (ep. 6) Scrap to Unusual Trading Series

I'm back again with my "How to trade" - Team Fortress 2 trading series. There will be more Unusual trading series in future, so If you find this video helpful or ...

User Comments

You can't expect to get a lot of trades at that level of unusual trading, so I don't think its bad that you dont have a lot of trades in each episode. It would be unrealistic if you didn't :P That one trade was sooo good tho... c;
+TheVirtualEconomist heh, thanks. I actually got "congratulated" on that sale by few high tier traders :)
hello, I would like to ask you two caps and one conga taunt. if I'd give up a tradeup csgo m9 bayonett urban masked and the residue of the knife if there would be yours
+SickzMedia ok
+Guys GG If you are struggling to get profit just try harder. Invest more time in trading. Trading is not that hard, everyone can do it! :)
+SickzMedia hello i give you my tf2 hats. pls trade up with csgo knife and after you give me back knife and i give you tf2 konga taunt pls i havent got any tf2 items
+Guys GG sorrry, but what? I don't understand you.
,,kalkulačka" xX
+Jan Al Attar :D
are you german?
+SickzMedia :3
+Bad Boy You just made my day! Thanks for letting me know, that was the whole point (to help people).
+SickzMedia Man , it's ok , you are doing a big effort to take your time and give some strange geeks videos ( Im one of them I think) wich hide behing their profiles , you are awesome , and your dialogue line "don't accept trades where you lose" or something like that , made me make from 30 ref the way up to 90 refined , I'm so proud of me , and one day , I will do the same with unusuals , you are awesome , keep it up.
+Bad Boy oh lol. Well I could try to re-record it few more times to make it perfect.. but meh. I didn't upload for a week and editing just this video took me at least 5 hours+ straight.
+SickzMedia the accent mad you vulnerable to my Sherlock HomeLe$$ skill$
+Bad Boy I'm from Slovakia.
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