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Melissa Harris Perry: More people on food stamps now becuase minimum wage is not high enough

Liberal logic - the reason that there are more people on the public dole now than ever before is because the minimum wage is not high enough - OK Got it.

User Comments

Social contract! Europeans are selling their homes and not looking to repurchase because they don’t know where to move; ‘Section 8’ housing has frightened would be buyers away. For those unaware of what ‘Section 8’ is… here’s the run down, it’s an entitlement given to welfare recipients so they can bring their brood to rob and rape terrorize our children, while we’re working to pay for it all. Europeans don't owe this parasites anything.
Yes, Melissa... Please keep pushing, push harder in fact. Embrace those token pats on the back and rejoice, ever so happily, in the belief of your good deeds. What's that? Your comrades have thrown you under the bus? Shocker. Personally, I wish to thank you for your part in stoking racial division... Enough people have responded by gathering arms and ensuring that laws aren't the only option. 
Regarding the use of government pressure to force entrepreneurs into facilitating socialism: I think that you'll find more cunning and raw rebellion beyond the wastes controlled by IT minions, surgically-enhanced matriarchs and spoiled teenagers. From my little corner of the world, I send along a cheerful "Fuck You" and tasty beverage.
we all know how much walmart and mcdonalds pay. how about get an education and find a better paying job
This woman is Dumb! I've yet to see a video clip where she's said anything to make me think otherwise.
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