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Forex factory currency strength Videos

7 Important Forex Trading KPI's to Keep in Mind

Forex Currency Strength Analysis – 17 Nov 2015

In today's currency strength analysis video for 17 Nov 2015, we will understand the importance of process which is more important than the final outcomes.

Obama turns on money printing machine

//www.russiatoday.com/Top_News/2009-03-20/Obama_s_administration_turns_on_money_printing_machine.html Obama's administration turns on money ...

User Comments

Remember the basics, all money represent some sort of values. In economies, values are created from economic output--economic growth ex. GNP. Increasing money units while having the same level of productivity output means the value of each bank note is going to be "diluted" down. What the US is doing here, I can only guess, is "borrowing" money from future productivity. They need to print more money to continue doing what they're doing "now". They're creating debt by borrowing from the future...
money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money..
It's a way of maintaining and expanding an economy. Because what they're doing is using speculation on future economic growth as justification to print more money NOW. It's just like a publicly traded company offering to sell it's share in the stock market. The US gov. is using the reverse method of stimulating productivity output by floating out more bank notes for people to grab (they have to work to grab it) But it can become very dangerous for the system if the GDP growth isn't on target.
This is all intentional, planned in advance. People are waking up but they won't get out of bed. We are being liquidated, financially disabled and soon to be effectively disarmed by virtue of weapons and communications, while all the cowardly ostriches will cry that we're conspiracy theory nuts to the very end. People outside of our little community here just won't get it until they're on their knees clutching at the barbwire. Then they will have been further brainwashed to blame it on us.
@DrXichuenDong And when I thought they only SPOKE in broken English...... Look dude, if china takes control of America like this recent rumor states, I've got plenty of ammo to share, minus the casing, America or not, my land is my land, and I'll stand to defend it. For the record, I'm NOT the only American to have the mindset as myself. If we collapse, we will rebuild, That simple, Deal with it. Trolls are not liked, you sir, are a troll, Chinese or not, you just happen to resemble one.
@codenamecody it isnt that the americans are stupid, but they are the ones who have the rest of the world acummulating t-bones, it was good u r the reserve currency, but the monetary policy is killing the dollar credibility, every couintry in the world is preparing for the so called "collapse" now it is up to Germany and up to China to keep the dollar alive, oh yea and the bombing the rest of the world, so they r not stupid enough to use gold as currency as Gaddaffi tried.
@DThaeman hi, well your example does not apply to everybody, yes there is inflation, there is an agresive monetary expasion from the Fed, asia and latinamerica (us) are paying the inflation USA is generating right now, it wont be forever, u ll see the problem directly once china stops buygin t-bones, and i would guess 5 more years to something like that happens, is about economics and its foundations, hope it helped. and remember nothing is absolute! Saludos
People don't get the simple fact and i'm gonna dumb it down to illiterate hood terms. Lets say the us is made up of 10 families (just and example) I print $100, $10 for each family.. I put a 2% interest on those $10. $10 + 2% = $10.2 now if i just printed $100 and tell them to they own me 20 cents each 2 bucks. Where does the money to pay me back comes from if it hasn't been printed?? and on that simple scam bankers got the world by the balls.
@guilleman9 Really?, unless a country is in some sort of turmoil or catastrophy, the net amount of currency has to be going up. Stuff like this always happens with forign news sources, something happens and they automatically say that the US and americans in general are just stupid. The reason the govt. is injecting currency in the system right now is because the US coming out of a recession that caused the stagflation of the american dollar.
Professor of economics Zagreb Croatia: Professor what is USA dollar ? USA dollar is currency used in international trade on princile "good as GOLD" this is base of World's Financial System This principle is long gone, Dollar now 2013 is printed cloth (75%cotton 25%linen) currency without backing of goods services or gold it is in deep hyperinflation just a question of time when it starts.
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does everyone in the world ignore that that the printing machine destroys the economy, im from Peru we got, a president Garcia who did that and had the 2nd place in the largest inflation ever, after the nazi regime now he is president again, what are the odd??? i think usa will have the number 1 place in a couple of years.

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