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How to know nsdata encoding Videos

Hexy Hexapod IOS BLE Mini bluetooth module first test move head with slider yay ^_^

Using the bluetooth 4 low energy module from RedBearLab and their sample iOS code, I've had a first mini breakthrough in the possibility of controlling Hexy ...

NSJSONSerialization iOS5 - How to use JSON with iOS5 & XCode (part 2: POST request with json obj)

How to use NSJSONSerialization with iOS5 (part 2). POST request with JSON Object; JSON Object to Foundation Object; Foundation Object to JSON Object ...

User Comments

Your tutorials are AWESOME, is there anyway you can create a video to parse an array of JSON values. I am struggling. For example: [ { "color": "red", "value": "#f00" }, { "color": "black" "value": "#fff" } ] Any help would be much appreciated.
One question, i've been trying to get POST upload image. But most of the examples i see online uses the old method. Do you happen to have any tutorial already up? or will you be posting one? Thanks and Great tutorial!
@jdaganzo1: it's very simple. create a nsarray of nsdictionary (every cell of the nsarray is a nsdictionary with two keys: "color" and "value". After, parse the nsarray with NSJSONSerialization. That's all!!
it's very simple. create a nsarray of nsdictionary (every cell of the nsarray is a nsdictionary with two keys: "color" and "value". After, parse the nsarray with NSJSONSerialization. That's all!!
Hi dude! Great tutorial about ios side. Can you show the php side of this tutorial? What code we need to use for receive json on php side via post?
Hi. Because I could no watch with full screen , I could not read everything. Could you please send me the code ? Thank you very much
Awesome tutorial. Very easy to understand. Great work!
Where download code sample this titotial?
Where download code sample this titotial?
beautiful thanks a lot

Objective-C on the Mac L32 - NSCoding

How to encode your own objects in Objective-C. (Make your objects NSCoding compliant). Twitter: https://twitter.com/LucasDerraugh GitHub: ...

User Comments

I am highly impressed with the clarity of your explanations. You act as if the viewer has just a beginner level of understanding which makes these so simple to follow AND actually understand. Thank you for this. As an iPhone dev with VERY little C experience, it's the finer points of Obj-C that get me confused. NSData was ONE of those finer points until now. I'm really hoping you have some Core Data tutes up. As I want to take a Core Data object and make my own custom file type with it. You
Technically you never have to write that you conform to any protocol and you could just write out the methods you want to implement. The idea though is to let other objects know that your class does conform to NSCoding so that they can use your class to encode/decode. If it's a formal protocol, it will also mean you have to write
Hey, first of all I must say a big thank you for your awsome tuts. I watched all of them and I learned so much from it. Finally I figuered out what a "typedef struct" is, how "unions" work and how "messages" in obj-c do there job, - that obj-c is actually a great extension of C an what amazing stuff you can do with it. Please keep up the great work. Hopefully there will be more to come!!!
Hi Lucas, I have a question, how come I was able to Archive and Unarchive custom class objects without conforming to NSCoding Protocol, by this i mean i just wrote @interface Test : NSObject and in implementation i just added encode with coder and init with coder methods. where as you have mentioned i need to @interface Test:NSObject NSCoding
Hi Lucas, Just remind me again. Why do we need the -(NSString *)description method in .m. I know if I take it out the array does not format correctly in the debugger. I can't see that method getting called in main. Does it automatically get called by NSArray when we create rect 1 & 2?. Thanks in advance!
Hey man, just want to say your tutorials are the absolute best I have seen. They are explained so clearly. I enjoy your tutorials more than reading "programming with objective c" by Stephen Kochran which used to be my favorite authority on the matter. Thanks abunch man. Keep it up!
@EnigmaticLives There will be more Obj-C tutorials, not too sure when but there will be. If you are interested in iOS we will be starting that at some point, but also the Cocoa tutorials are a nice place to look at.
So every object within our object, that we wanna archive, has to be (NSCoding), too? So although we were archiving an NSArray, we have to make sure, that every object in this NSArray is (NSCoding) as well?
@randomblink I'm glad you appreciate the tutorials. We are coming up on Core Data fairly soon in the Cocoa tutorials, so stay tuned for when that comes around.
Thank so much for your Tutorial !! is the best on the net. Clear !! Perfet and understandable for foreiner!! thank again !! and Go ahead !! give us More !!
I like how the NSCoding with Objects builds from the NSData tutorial. It seems like you can use fast enumeration to loop access each object.
Oh darn, I blew the streak ;). I was going to blame it on how late I did the tutorial, but this was probably one of the earliest ;)
@davepamn I realized that NSDocument using NSCoding, but the approach seem complicated. Will you simplify the process for us?
@RMH1565 Yep, basically it would just return you a new object that is autoreleased, but of course in ARC that doesn't apply.
Would you show how to use the NSDocumentController to manage multiple documents and save data and load data into a textView?
What would a RectangleWithHeight method look like compared to initWithHeight? will the allocation be in that method?
will you provide a tutorial on how to user NSDocument to write a RTFD or RTF file?
nice tutorial, could you please provide us the source code for this tutuorial.
@ReidyOrNot That's awesome, let me know if there is anything I can help with.
Glad to hear it, I'll be continuing with the Obj-C tutorials this week.

Reading and writing to files in Objective-C

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User Comments

In Soviet Russia XCode codes you.
thank's but why return null?
thanks very helpful

Unity3d+Cocoa Integration Test 04 (real-time texture 640x400 px, 15fps)

Try to using CG shader to re-map the camera raw image data (640 x 400) onto a 512 x 512 texture directly. Simple, Fast & Lazy :p These are the 3 layers of the ...

iOS Programming Tutorial | Adopting NSCoding

Want all our free IOS Programming Training Videos? Download our free iPad app at ...
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