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How to enable cgi-exe handler mapping Videos

C++ Allegro Made Easy 19 - Mouse 2

This video will teach you how to use the mouse buttons in allegro Hope you Like :DIf you like my content feel free to donate!

User Comments

@Longhairbeware Sorry I can't please everybody but people always inbox me asking why I haven't made a video in a while and you can easily just skip to the part where I start teaching in my video. If your computer is that slow that it has to fully buffer before you can even play a video then that's a sign that you need a new computer, just saying and if you're doing game programming and your computer is that slow then your games must be laggy. It's hard to please everybody. sry i couldnt please u
@CodingMadeEasy yes,i made moving character on the screen,with background image and sound,eating some food wich appear on random location when is eated,but when i install mouse ,when i press esc program just crash...and i do everything like you :S
Hello I have this problem my program has this error code can you please help me? MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019:unresolved external symbol_WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
@Longhairbeware my reply wasn't meant to be rude in any sort of way. sorry if it seemed like that. but these videos are being distributed for free so please just enjoy what I've given you and please be patient. Thanks
@Longhairbeware People find it annoying when I inbox all the time. Anyways I appreciate your comment but most of my videos have that soooo I can't really change it sorry
i have a problem,my program crash on exit while show_mouse(buffer); is in program,do you know what is the problem?
@CodingMadeEasy dont mind that guy he's just mad that he cant do what you can
@randomname123ish llol i've made that mistake may times so don't worry :p
Lol. You should watch the allegroHd tutorial series. Much better quality
@CodingMadeEasy God I am an idiot sorry thank you :)
@randomname123ish did u forget to put END_OF_MAIN()?
@lakistein can you please inbox me your code?
@lakistein have you created a buffer?
The new mic sounds a lot better :P

C++ Allegro Made Easy Tutorial 22 - Close Window w/ the X Button

this video will show you how to close an allegro window with the x button.If you like my content feel free to donate!

User Comments

No it doesnt Artisb45, i just ran my program exactly like his and the escape key will not close your program unless you do while (!Close && done == false) { 'run this code' }
@LP2LP2 notice thatt he left this: if(key[KEY_ESC]) done = true; this also works when u have the X button in his code, @CodingMadeEasy what do you use to record your vids?
i keep getting an eeror 'close' : redefinition; previous definition was 'function' plz help!
try generating the world bitmap before the while loop so it isnt regenerated every cycle
please use: if(key[KEY_ESC]){Handler();} so the ESC works, too
thanks, verry helpfull ;)

Setting up Apache for Web.py

I set up an Apache web server (on Mac 10.8.3) to run a simple web.py website with a virtually hosted domain.

User Comments

"Setting up Apache for Web.py" but 90% was some other non-sense.. Had to waste 30 minutes... Could have been better if it was to the point. Sorry, I'm frustrated coz It wasted a lot of my time.
Todd smith. You saved my life. I love you
I feel sorry for your keyboard
Todd Smith, you da masta.
Good stuff. Thanks.
Why only 360p?

Metasploit Reverse Shell BT5

PHP on IIS with FastCGI

Run PHP 20x faster with FastCGI Module On IIS by phpSnake.

User Comments

I have extracted "php-5.4.13" on my C-Drive."C:\php\php-5.4.13". I'm stucked at this phase please help me out. I don't get "php-cgi.exe" files to be displayed when i go on to select (*.exe) from drop down menu in Add Module Mapping phase. I have FastCGI installed and everything else is configured. I'm awaiting for your reply.
Thanx bigTime!
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