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Special Olympics Southern California Summer Games commercials August 2007

Taken during the 2007 Southern California Special Olympics Summer Games special "Let the Games Begin" with Linda Nguyen and John Ireland from Cal State ...


LAIKA Modello ECOVIP 9 Sito link al sito Prezzo 39.900 € Anno 2007 Posti omologati 4 Posti letto 6 Lunghezza 720 Descrizione SPLENDIDO MANSARDATO ...

Poland High Speed Police Pursuit W12 Volkswagen Phaeton For Not Paying Road Fees (Witness Video)

BENTLEY POLICE CHASE - https://youtu.be/vkgzrBoSjkc You are invited to join Freedom! Invitation Link - //goo.gl/2gkbT7 The chase for the 42-year-old ...

User Comments

вроде по русски кричал..
мне тоже показалось что по русски...
Those Polish toll charges are crazy. On the A2 17 zloytch every 5kms... it never ended all the way from Warszawa to Poznan :)
+g00dl00kinb0i Truer words never spoken :)
+stratfordbaby Hungary has beautiful girls to play with, at least you can enjoy that :DI go into Long Island to have real fun on public roads, believe me it's still possible there but troopers are also more willing to chase you !I'm planing a trip to Pennsylvania's Route 44 - over 60 miles of forest road with barely any traffic or cops, but it's a good 200 mile trip both ways.
Yeah NYS had quite low limits, even out on the LIE probably due to volume of cars or something... Can't drive 55 :)
+stratfordbaby Still better than America's 55mph bs limit or 25mph is NYC, but hey I never do the speed limit anyway, I like to double or close to triple it quite often :)Just don't tell anybody......lol :)
I'm in Hungary now with video controlled tolls and 130kph speed limits :(  Germany seems so far away! :D
+stratfordbaby Yes!I miss that country....
Definitely even better than the German roads, seemingly always under repairs and never able to really hit top speeds in the unlimited sections. The road from Berlin to Szczecin is a real pig, can't even drive 50kph without the suspension wanting to break - but there is a nice couple of straight stretches immediately before the Polish border to get up to max speed assuming people actually keep the left lane clear. Good times!
+stratfordbaby After driving here for a some years I'll take Polish roads or anything to the west from there :)
Yes, I remember that as well but most of the tolled highways are new from just the past 5-6 years now, many still under construction. My GPS is from 2011 and the majority of them didn't exist back then so I had to do a bit of guessing..Gotta pay to play for those smooth roads which is mostly coming from EU development money. Thankfully not too many police on there from what I saw, let's you cover a lot of distance quite quickly... make up for driving on the B-roads. I lived in NYC a few years back, thought about staying on SI but decided that daily toll was going to be just a bit too much. With the traffic and everything, even heading to Manhattan was always on the Q-train for me.
+stratfordbaby I used to live in Warsaw up until 10 years ago, they almost did not exist back then, used to take the same road and never paid anything.I live in NYC now so I got used to it here, Verrazzano costs $16 now I think, same crap everywhere sadly.
did you use google translate for your description?


Laredo, MO Honda Accord sedan car buyer, Lindsey shares her car dealership experience

Lindsey from Laredo, MO just bought her first car from Woodys Automotive Group and was excited enough to make a video about her experience here! Lindsey ...

Mississippi High Speed Police Chase Murder Suspect (MSNBC)

New Videos On These Channels: High Speed Pursuits - //goo.gl/PB2mN High Speed Pursuits 2 - //goo.gl/u13k0b High Speed Pursuits 3 ...

User Comments

Almost sounds like Kermit The Frog is narrating this one.
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