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Ram memory allocation windows xp Videos

Installing Windows XP in Ubuntu ( Running Parallel ) using Virtual Box

Just a simple tutorial :) download virtual box at : //www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Prefered allocation of resources for running parallel XP in Ubuntu ...

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learn some english will ya!
learn some computer science will ya!

Minecraft How To - Install, Patch for HD Textures and Add More Memory

READ DESCRIPTION* *You do NOT need to add more RAM for low size texture packs e.g. x16 / x32, only add more RAM if you crash minecraft because you ...

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ram does almost nothing for the fps. That's the gpu and the clock speed of a single core. The reason people want more ram allocated is not because of the fps they get. Besides, you're not making any sense. This video is all about allocating more ram to minecraft for a high res texture pack, yet you're commenting that it's pointless unless you want to install a high res texture pack. The why comment :P? anyway, It's nice to have if you have optifine and long distance rendering and such..
'Cant access Jarfile minecraft.exe' Are you sure your file isn't called "Minecraft.exe"? if you have file extentions off it should just show "Minecraft", if you have extentions on make sure you haven't input Minecraft.exe with file type .exe otherwise it will be Minecraft.exe.exe and won't work =p. Just go carefully through the checklist in the description, someone else had the same problem and they found their mistake because of the checklist.
A little hint ! You can just go into minecraft then texture packs and click open texture pack folder. Then you are inside the .minecraft folder. From there you can go to the main .minecraft folder ! :) Then the only thing you need is to enable the show extension option :)
Read the checklist, someone had that problem earlier and it was because his second line of code was not on one line. (youtube wraps it onto two lines but it has to be on one after the "@echo") and the .bat has to be in the same folder as the minecraft.exe
You should only have Minecraft.exe and the .bat file in a separate folder, not the minecraft.jar etc Check you are on the correct system path (x32 or x64), and you are on the correct java version path. Also make sure you are on windows, not a mac
That's why I said if you are running a hd pack you will need to do it, it also applies for allocating ram to local servers. My pack is x256 and impossible to run on the standard 1gb ram. Same as you should allocate more if you open to lan
The patcher adds files to allow the extra features so it's a bigger file to run than the default .jar, also make sure the RAM allocation is possible on your pc! Otherwise it will lag things out if your computer cannot handle it!
no i really have checked the checklist, it helped me with one problem which i resolved but now im having this problem, im thinking of just going back to using MagicLauncher, but thanks for your help, awsome video man :D
adding extra memory to minecraft is pointless, i get 200+fps with 300mb of ram allocated to java, however when running with a 64x texture pack or a visually intensive mod such as seus then more ram may be needed
That's a very long way around, considering if you use many .jars like me, a shortcut is much nicer :P: and you can't use it like a menu in that form because you can't touch any other menus at the same time
Ohh. okay :) i can see what you mean. I just remebered that you could acces the minecraft folder from the game and thought that would help as an easier way
FPS is down to CPU but if you are crashing minecraft/java because your textures need more memory to run then you will need to change the allocation =)
The file structure is very similar to 7, if you follow the changes, e.g. make sure you locate where your java version is etc then it will still work.
Make sure you have checked if you have java 6 or 7, the example is for 7. Make sure it is over the two lines exactly and not all of it on one.
It says: 'Cant access Jarfile minecraft.exe' btw i got here from XisumaVoid, he mentioned you in one of his videos, definately subscribing :D
Yes, the jar is in the .minecraft folder, i got a shortcut in the new folder, the launcher and the .bat file. Im sure i habe a Windows. :p
Thats the associated file type, just means winrar has been selected as the default program to open the jar file
Mods are more intensive on clients so yes if you are maxing your ram allocation then it needs to be increased
right, thanks, ive done that now it just clicks and nothing happens? any ideas? sorry for being not good lol
You have to edit the java path, go into your java folder, right click properties and look at the location
i fixed it by naming Minecraft Minecraft.exe, now it says: Error: Unable to acces jarfile Minecraft.exe
it says could not create java virtual mechine. program will exit, sorry for not getting it to work ;S
you can use windows+R and then tipe in %appdata%. This will lead you to your .minecraft folder.
When i start the .bat file, it says: Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile Minecraft.exe
thanks, but i can't get it to work? what do it do if i have program files x86?
mine is also philip haven't meet any famous youtuber called philip url :D
Would this help improve FPS or is that mainly processor controlled?
See the checklist in the description, are you on a 32 bit system?

Windows XP running on 100MHz on a better mobo

This is my second torture of the old ceramic Pentium CPU by throwing Windows XP at it. Detailed Specs are in the video. In this video, I used a better mobo than ...

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Did you use my video for audio???? This video uses the same bit rate is posted it as
+Tyler Hoban No, I used the intro music to Windows XP.

[Windows XP] Szybki start na Virtualbox / Quick start on VirtualBox

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HDD - 1. linijka opisu pod filmem;-)
wiem tak trochę zaironizowałem
Czyli że jednak za wolno;-)
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Create Virtual Machine For Windows XP Under Ubuntu

Hello everybody Let me explain to you how to make virtual machine designed for Microsoft Windows XP using Oracle Virtual Box under Ubuntu Linux.
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