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Henry ford summer home Videos

When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Performed at The Henry Ford Dearborn ,Michigan May 2013.

What I got from the Michael's Summer Clearance Sale & Some Kirkland's - HAUL TIME!

User Comments

Congrats on your engagement! 
+Decor Muse Thank you! Make videos more often, girly! I love your videos!
Those measuring cups are SUPER CUTE/TFS! ---BE BLESSED! 
Right! Thank you for watching!
Can't wait for the up coming videos. Thanks for sharing.;-)
Yes, please stay tuned! Thank you for watching!
Thank you so much for posting this. Im going to run to michaels tonight and see what i can find.
I hope you found some great items if you were able to go! Thanks for watching!

Summer Beauty Favorites 2015

Please like, comment, and subscribe for weekly videos! Love you all! Follow Me: Instagram, Pinterest,Twitter: @carressa Personal/Business Related Contact: ...

User Comments

Loved your favorites video Caressa. I have been thinking about trying that gel nail polish, and now I'm definitely going to get it. I've been so frustrated with my nail polish lately. I put it on and it chips the very next day. I also might try that mascara. I've been trying to decide what to try next. Thanks for sharing. Xoxo
I got some yesterday in a nice soft peach color. I put it on last night. Now for the test..... Let's see how it can stand up to these hands! Lol! You're right there are a lot of nice colors. I had a hard time choosing.
Definitely try it! I love painting my nails but I'm not trying to do it every other day! Plus they have a lot of cute colors out.. I think that's what took me so long in trying gel polish.. Wasn't interested in the colors.

Battle in Seattle. Build a solar house with 100 panels.

Mitt Romney in Cedar Rapids December 9 Part One

Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) appeared at Diamond V, a manufacturing plant which produces nutritional supplements for animal feed, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ...
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