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Susquehanna university tv guide Videos

Bronzebacks and Bucketmouths

"Good FIshing" Prostaffer Nate Berg and WIsconsin guide Jeff Evans keep it simple in search of as many species as they can catch in the heat of July.

User Comments

I miss Wisconsin fishing. Nc has many areas to fish but most is private owned.

Oneida Lake Walleye Fishing

Two river Bass enthusiasts totally out of their element - lake fishing for Walleye! Blaine and Chris Gorsuch are out with their guide, Tony Buffa, on Oneida Lake, ...

User Comments

Lake Oneida?
+breckandy I thought that was just me lol...I've never heard "Lake Oneida." The Bass Pro folks should have filled them in on that.

Using GPS & Sonar - BWATV Quick Tips

//www.backwoodsanglertv.com Backwoods Angler associate guide Chris Gorsuch explains the usefulness of having navigational electronics on your boat.

User Comments

Yessir! My priorities tend to get somewhat skewed when I miss a bass.....The best job in the world and I stomp my feet when I miss one, and believe me, it's always captured on film when I make a fool of myself!!
@BWAEnterprises Oh man, and to top it off, Chris hooks into one moments later.
@sirmelancholia Good question! (he actually just missed a bass)
Why is Blaine so aggravated in this video?

Fishin' Ain't Easy: Rose Valley Lake

It's FAE! Please, sit back, and enjoy as I fish Rose Valley Lake for the first time and explore its bounty. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/fishinainteasy Check ...

User Comments

Im from southern NJ and I fished that same lake by the boat launch and the south side of it for a short period of time back in early June! Lost a chartruse rattletrap there to a submerged tree...maybe you will find it! Didn't catch anything, saw a few bass, big bluegills and perch. That fish you caught was a chain pickerel, not a pike FYI :). 
Yeah the bass were lovin the white swim bait that day. Didn't try a rattle trap. We call em chain pike in MD where I'm from. Thanks for watching!

Backwoods Largemouth Bass - Darwin Sumner - Season 3 Episode 7

Website: //www.lakecommandos.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MANvsLAKE Twitter: https://twitter.com/LakeCommandos What happens when ...
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