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Smart live financial services ltd Videos

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Marketing financial services and marketing money has become more challenging. In this interview Balaji Vishwanath - an experienced financial services ...

Better Business Meetings Workshop (Smart Presentations Limited)

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Mobile FinaGate - Your Gateway to Mobile Financial Services

The world is becoming more digital and, with the proliferation of the mobile devices, digital is becoming more mobile. The mobile handset is the central means ...

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Global economy faces risks from climate change 기후변화 리스크

And, this wild weather isn't limited to Northeast Asia. From floods to droughts to scorching heat to freezing temperatures, the entire world has been experiencing ...

User Comments

People who see financial opportunity in great social losses are capable of tremendous harm. The rate of increase in temperature will continue until the carbon levels return to normal, even if no more carbon is emitted from factories, cars, or any unnatural source, ever, starting now. If the carbon levels stop increasing, the climate would continue to decline. If they return to normal, the weather would stop getting worse, but not return to normal. We're not even sure if the ecology is capable of this, without our spending money changing the carbon back ourselves. We don't have that kind of money.
That's not BS that's the truth are you dumb? Unless you are mindless you couldn't possibly think this is BS due to the fact of our factories and technology changing the temp in air it's really bad for us because it will change our world forever
Did they actually use the word opportunity??? Please don't call disease outbreaks opportunity for hospitals or doctors, either.
Its not BS. I live on a island n climate change is a reality for us
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