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Cooking rice dns Videos

How to absorb steam from cooked rice with Plenty Genius Tips and Asda

Soggy rice? Cook your rice to perfection with this genius tip using Plenty The Fat One from Asda. We love to share all those things around the home that are that ...

How to speed up internet connection in the Philippines by changing DNS

How to speed up internet connection here in the Philippines in less than a minute just by changing the DNS.

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how to do it on windows 7?

Banana Leaf Rice

A lovely South Indian lunch served at the famous Sri Nirwana Maju in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Once again the video is crap as usual, this time I left the camera ...

User Comments

None of the Indian Resturants in Sydney server good south Indian food. Its's always north indian or sri lankan food. Even the Tamils from Sri lanka cook like Sinalies. Australia needs more south indian resturants. I mean SOUTH INDIA, not sri-lankan! South India is not just made of only Tamils. It's made of Tamils, Kannadigas, Andharites, Malayalees, Coorgies and Konkans.
Im tired of eating off of regular plates!!!!!! IM GOING TO EAT FOOD ON A BANANA LEAF!!!! thats a creative and enviromental friendly way of making plates out of leaves rather then using paper plates that end up thrown in the trash ^^
I had lunch at the shop like this in Malaysia,very very good meal. Eat with fingers , enjoy!
this one it's great, i try it on my aunty wedding party haha, taste so amazing
a very clever way of not having to wash dishes!!!..hahaha
That looks delicious. Is that a vegetarian dish?
Looks great but i hope they got doggy bags Lol
maaannn this video makes me hungry!
YUM!!! Looks so flavorful!
Usa! 웃

The People's Pantry, Episode 17 : Sweet Potato Balls

{#BBTRL-BTSvlog} #βΛόγιαΠάσχα 29-32 ; Life D'Nerd - Don't Look Down!!

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{#BBTRL-BTSvlog} #βΛόγιαΠάσχα 29-32 ; Life D'Nerd - Don't Look Down!! A Real Life version of #BigBangTheory This is a *real* reality show - raw & unedited - nothing fake, editted or re-shot. Date: Mar.29-Apr.01.2014 Comment, Rate, Subscribe Segments: 4 Topics: - The adventures of #vlogging - #Freegan Lifestyle - omni-present sleep deprivation - tangents, interruptions & schedules - shopping & philosophy ; dealing with failure ; finding your way out ; philosophy, theology & reality ; Deep thinking & spirituality - New shows (under development); ; #TheKitchenDiner ; construction ; testing methods of cooking rice - Shows in Season 0 ; The Network wide editing bay ; under construction ; #UbuntuBSD_UNIX ; system debug {loss of file server} continued ; d-nas {distributed network attached storage} ; learning data recovery ; debug (backroom system) ; setting up as a co-maintainer ; #Beauty&TheGeek ; Sewing/design room work - The Electronics Bench; ; #ProjectTesla target date Oct.2014 ; #Linux system refurbish project ; dns config ; learning hard-drive repair - The Warehouse/Machine Shop; ; sorting & processing new materials ; cleaning, repairs & maintenance ; #ProjectTesla target date Oct.2014 - #OpenExploration ; Multi-function workspaces ; risk of failure in bleeding edge research ; my Greek studies ; #ProjectTesla target date Oct.2014 ; Institute channels - ad-hoc #YoutubeStroll #Ubuntu*BSD*Unix*Etal #IPTV #OpenIPTV-Live #AndroidIDE #CyborgAlpha #CyborgAlphaμ #InfiniteTween #Freegan #GamingRL #Tesla #ProjectTesla #OpenExploration Youtube's violation of the 1st amendment & congress; The Global Online Freedom Act; //www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr3605ih/pdf/BILLS-112hr3605ih.pdf //www.google.com/intl/en/takeaction/free-expression/
how did you go freegan?

No ribs, no rice, no champange !

My nephew favorite movie lol.
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