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User Comments

In the original script, Spence was named "Swede" and had a much bigger role. He was actually working WITH Gregor to steal the case, and is the one who wounds Larry at the end of the car chase. Then Gregor betrays him and shoots Swede in the head, stealing the case for himself. I wish they had kept the script that way. 
+Judd Kramer that script sounds a better deal.
I still find it hard to believe that the researcher, sound dept, script writer and assembled crew didn't have the balls to tell DeNiro that he mispronounced Hereford as 'Heerford' and half of Britain is laughing at the error. The emphasis on him being the smartest person in the room was lost.
Great movie in every aspect.Grade A production by all the characters,the directors and producers alike .If action movies nowadays can even be half as good as this one
+Wayne Simpson Small irrelevant flaw to you then so be it.....Still a great movie.
+Wayne Simpson I live in London and people mispronouce "Thames" all the time, even after being corrected! You don't change the way you speak overnight and here we're talking about a single word.Also, he isn't implying anything of the sort. Access to a photo or even a painting of the boathouse would be enough to know what colour it is. Or someone might have told him...
You're not getting it...it's a placename, it's not open to different interpretations, especially if someone is implying that they've have personal,first-hand knowledge/experience of the place?E.G.Regardless of your nationality; London is always pronounced 'Lun-dun' not 'Loane-doane' or 'Loon-doon'.If you had been to London you would know that elementary fact. Does that help you at all?
+Wayne Simpson​ If DeNiro mispronounced Hereford BECAUSE OF HIS ACCENT then he would continue to do so, regardless of how it is actually pronounced... or he could just be American about it and pronounce it as he likes! Neither of these undermine his bluff because he was judging Bean's CHARACTER not just his KNOWLEDGE. If Bean had replied with a colour what then? But he knew he wouldn't! That's why he is C.I.A. - because he is good at reading people...
+Austin Huber These strange spellings are the result of the influence of Foreign Languages - especially FRENCH (where "Lieutenant" comes from)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_French_originALSO"The British aren’t the only ones who say the names that way. Massachusetts also has cities named Worcester, Leicester, and Gloucester, pronounced as if they were spelled “Wooster,” “Lester,” and “Gloster.”//www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2012/05/worcester-source.htmlThe UK is much older than the USA so their English has a lot of "historical baggage". No doubt in a few hundred years American English will too!
+Wayne Simpson but he may have merely just been there or knows of the boat house by passing by .And he's playing as an american and that error could have been OK with since he's a foreigner.   
+Mekim ashebirOf course I got it, that's the whole point of my reply (please read it again). I did acknowledge that fact in my first post...and the whole point of the post was to show how DeNiro's superiority was completely undermined by his own moronic imperception of his error. Sean Bean is cast as a 'wannabee' but as an Englishman he would still have 'outed' DeNiro as a fellow bluffer since DeNiro doesn't know the pronunciation of the town name Hereford, which he would if he'd been stationed there. If you've never been there or associated with anyone from 'there' you may just look at the name on a map (or a script?) and quote 'Heerford'.Okeedokee?
+Wayne Simpson the part you didn't get is Denero's character wanted to know if sean bean's character actually went to a military school therby being a testament to his knowledge in special ops attack formations.Because sean bean's character didnt attend that supposed school, he was confued in how to reply, thereby being exposed as an amateur.When he was asking for increase in pay for the job, he specified he wasnt there to do an amateur job and wanted to show case in a way ,how much of a pro he is in his craft.A lot of hidden twists and plots in this movie.
Within the universe of the movie, he's already established his superiority through his repeated show of leadership and clarity in dodgy situations. It would be the same argument if the Irish lady had said it too, they also have different pronunciations. Sean Bean is still a noob in this universe lol. Hey, y'all invented the language, we just perfected it! Cheers
No,no...I'm not trying to point out our American cousins' difference in pronunciation. The essential part of the narrative is that De Niro is trying to highlight Bean's ineptitude by bluffing Bean with supposedly 'superior' personal experience and knowledge. This intelligence falls flat since he shows he's not even familiar with the name of the location they're arguing about.But while we're celebrating our differences?Aloominum= AluminiumTitanium= Titaninum?? Err, that rule breaks down.Fawcett=TapChips=crispsTomaydo= Tomato.Podaydo-= Potato...let's call the whole thing awff :-)
Yeah, when you geniuses came up with Worcestershire sauce and "Left-tenant" lieutenant, we stopped giving a crap.
The character is American, though. I'm sure the movie audience would accept that mistake due to differences in pronunciation. I get what you're saying, though.

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