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California state university northridge clinical psychology Videos

An Overview of Clinical Supervision

Copyright 1988, Cynthia G. Desrochers California State University, Northridge.

Outstanding Grads 2013: Travis Shivley-Scott

An interview with an extraordinary CSUN student we profiled in our CSUN Today commencement article at: ...

CSUN Basketball Senior Profiles

Sundial videographer Lauren Bennett caught up with the senior athletes of the CSUN Men and Women Basketball to see what their plans are after graduation.

Psychology's Got Talent

//www.dailysundial.com - CSUN's Psychology department hosts its fourth annual Psychology's Got Talent event at CSUN's Grand Salon on Oct. 18, 2012.

CSUN Matador News - April 2, 2014

The Supreme Court rules on campaign finance, and Matador News reporter Cherney Amhara talks to CSUN Educational Psychology and Counseling Professor ...

OC News Hurricane Katrina Fall 2005 4/5

This was a production of OC News a student-run television production of Cal State Fullerton Broadcast Journalism students. Part 4 is an interview with Dr. Mindy ...
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