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Neurological disorders in maltese dogs Videos

video paroxysmal dyskinesia Maltese

A short episode of a Maltese dog with possible paroxysmal dyskinesia can be witnessed here.

Drunken dog...

Symptoms related to dog encephalitis

Second video of my dog Pearl..

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Hi, my chihuahua is suspected to have encephalitis. We are still waiting on the official spinal tap results from the lab as the initial results were normal . Almost everything else has been ruled out by MRI and blood work. His main symptom is neck pain and after 24 hours on presnisone his pain seems to have been resolved Its been a couple years since Pearl's last update. How is she doing?
Thanks for posting this. I have a "teddy bear" mixed breed who is now 5 years old and has been treated for encephalitis for 2 years now. She is on prednisone, cyclosporine, and azathioprine...we have not been able to get her off the pred. I'm going to ask our neurologist about plaxenuil and lomustine. How is Pearl doing now?
Just an update on Pearl... It's been 5 months now and she is completely off all meds including pred. It' appeared the combo of lomustine and pred really saved her. Not to mention I was lucky to find the most amazing neurologist who wouldn't let me give up. She is overweight
Treatment is still ongoing. she is on prednisone, plaxenuil, and lomustine. She has gained a ton of weight due to steroids and I'm working with her neurologist to figure out how to control the disease for long term. It's been a tough road.
Only issue now is her weight due to almost 2 years on the pred -But has not had any other problems but it was a gradual improvement and didn't happen over night
Hi, I just wanted to ask what you ended up treating her with, and how long she took to respond to the treatment. Thanks
@Sam jones @liljuicester


This is my 5 year old Maltese. He has a rare ailment called Shaker Dog Syndrome. It affects small white dogs. If your dog is shaking uncontrollably, it could be ...

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@calliegal235 The Thunder Shirt won't help in this case. Shaker syndrome is not an anxiety disorder, it appears to be neurological. The cause is unknown, but may be genetic.
Yes the episodes have stopped. He has a good appetite again and he's more playful. The vet has no idea what the cause is. It's so rare there is little info available.
The vet put him on a steroid called Prednisone(5mg - 1/2 a tablet every 12 hours). Is your dog a Maltese too?
He hasn't had a relapse in quite some time. Hopefully it's gone for good. Good luck with your little guy!
My little white do had the same thing. After a month of medication she is doing just fine.


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Video of Robin Palmer with Her Dog, Faith - Miraculous True Story About Faith's Pranic Healing.mp4

Happy Holidays to you and your family! We have two beloved dogs, Hope and Faith. This is a miraculous true story about Faith. I asked Ellen Morano and her ...

Distemper in maltese

Today is 9/04/15. My dog become ill on Tuesday. Took her to the vet on Wednesday, she was given injections and medication. I took her Thursday and a ...

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Sorry its 09/05/15 rather than 09/04/15


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nice video

Mork the Yorkie Maltese chasing another dog at Veteran's park in Westwood.

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