They let cars on bcuz its a ferry. If it were just a boat then they wouldn't
Stena Line Superferry
Take a look onboard Stena Line's new superferry Stena Hollandica. The largest ferry in the world sailing between Harwich and Hook of Holland on the North ...
We travel this route twice a year and we enjoy the service we get but I
could never work out what the wake up call music is called , can Someone
tell me please
Hey can I add something which will make you ferry even better
100% I will travel with you and I will never change, been traveling with
you guys since I was 1 years of age however please can you please please
add walkers crips in the ferry to Liverpool to Ireland or Ireland to
Liverpool, this is because I have elegiac reaction to the chips that you
Please can you take this intro consideration thank you,
Hi Shauna, thank you for reaching out. Thank you for travelling with Stena Line. It's good to hear you enjoyed our service often and have a suggestion. Could you please send your suggestion by e-mail to [email protected], adding your contact details and we'll pass this on to the correct department. ^S
Thanks for travelling with Stena Line. We hope you will have a good trip onboard our Superferries.
Ferry Sinks in Philippines Killing 38, over 243 missing (VIDEO)
At least 26 people have died and more than 200 are missing after a ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank off the Philippines. The MV Thomas Aquinas was in ...
Accidents are preventable if people care enough to ensure the lives of
others. This is a simple disgrace of people doing the wrong things and
expecting things to go right. Philippines you have to learn to be more
careful. All accidents, murders, crimes can be preventable if people are
doing the right things. Every time rebels attack the government should
strike at these criminals. Your president is negligent towards the people.
10 billion pesos disappeared and no one noticed till it was too late
are you fucking kidding me? seriously? sigurado ka 99% chance of survival?!
dude Air France AF447 stalled and dropped 38,000 feet in three minutes as
it plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009, killing everyone on board.
imagine it crashes into the water still all passengers including the crew
died.. eh ang sea going vessel nga konting collision lng disgrasha agad eh
air-plains pa kaya. konting ligas lng ng volts/etch ng plane durog na yan
sa taas palang.
kung oras mo na, oras mo na.. mas brutal ang plane crashes kung ikokompara
mo sa ships. eh buti pa nga ung ship may life raft, life boat, EPIRB at
SART, smoke signal, hand flares, parachute flares at food rations. eh ang
plane pag mag crash instant kill.
we dont know whats the reason behind nganu nagbunggo.,peru katingalahan jud
kau nga kadaku sa dagat man unta nganu nagbunggo pa. .hahay lets all pray
nlng sa mga na dead and missing people. .god will provide!
the ferrys have no safety standards,well trained crew,always overloaded.and
as a captain they hire jeepney drivers.
no wonder so many ferry accident cause so many life every year in that
shithole county
Come on, Wake up and I bet you those in the ship where drinking alcohol.
this is what we heard from sources. If you are responsible for a ship with
people on it you don't drink on the job.