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Springfield college campus Videos

Springfield College Campus Linebacker

A film made in a video editing class at Springfield College in Springfield, MA in 2003. Parodying the Terry Tate Office Linebacker commercials. This video ...

User Comments

greg the fact u let someone kick ur but really explainse alot about u

Springfield College Campus Community reacts to "Deflate-gate" (Description.)

The Day After Springfield College feels wrath of June 1, 2011 Tornado.mp4

A look around the Springfield College campus following the destruction caused by the June 1, 2011 tornado. Produced by Justin Felisko/The Student.

User Comments

Is this in Springfield, ma?
Warning, 0:03= jumpscare

Springfield College East Campus - Giving Day, March 3

On March 3, Springfield College will be hosting a "Giving Day" Challenge, where participants are encouraged to donate $10 to the Springfield College Fund, ...

Filmore Performs on Springfield College Campus Union Stage

As part of Sti-Yu-Ka 2014 at Springfield College, the band Filmore performed on the campus union stage.

Springfield College Scholars in Action Day 2016

Springfield College Scholars in Action Day 2016. Students present their research to the campus community.

Springfield College Celebration of Engaged Education

Springfield College Distinguished Professor of Humanics Regina Kaufman helps the campus community celebrate Engaged Education on campus.

Springfield College Youth in Motion

Springfield College once again hosted high school students on campus as part of the Youth in Motion program.
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