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How to unlock mdc hardline Videos

Come sbloccare il .300 knockout in Battlefield Hardline

AGGIORNAMENTO 26/06/15: Grazie alla segnalazione di Fra Giangy ho notato che ora non bisogna più fare 10 assistenze per ottenere una moneta telecamera ...

User Comments

grazie mi sei stati tanto utile. io ho solo un problema...nn riesco ad aquistare 10 pistole e/o gadget, ho comprato tutto ma non me lo sblocca lo stesso se sai magari ol perchè rispondimi se no fa niente metto il "like" perchè è ottimo il video. ciao
tutto apposto ho risolto comunque sei un grande continua cosi
Grandeeee grazie a te ora mi mancano solo 3 reputazioni e finalmente lo sblocco!!
Alla grande allora!!:)
puoi fare un video come sbloccare MDC per piacere oppure me lo scrivi
L'MDC è un'arma di uno dei due DLC..non puoi sbloccarla senza il DLC!!
Ciao Andrea, ma per sbloccare stella di servizio di bronzo 7 professionista come si fa?? Devo arrivare al livello 7 di abilità con il cecchino?
Grazie mille
In pratica devi fare circa 70 mila punti con la classe del professionista se non mi sbaglio!! Poi vedere i tuoi progressi sul battlelog comunque!!
+Andra Oliva non ho capito come si fanno le stelle d'oro
In pratica devi ottenere 10 stelle di bronzo,10 stelle d'argento e poi una d'oro!! Per ottenere le stelle di bronzo devi fare 10000 punti con il professionista per ogni stella,per quelle d'argento devi farne 15000 mi sembra e per quella d'oro 25000!!:)
Ho fatto prima i prerequisiti e poi le 15 monete telecamere ma mi fa come se non le avessi fatte
Anche altri ragazzi hanno avuto lo stesso problema ed hanno risolto contattando l'assistenza EA!! Purtroppo è un bug che si sta verificando molto spesso ultimamente è molto probabilmente dopo tante segnalazioni cercheranno di risolvere!!! Io purtroppo avendo già sbloccato tutto non posso aiutarti più di tanto!!:(
Una domanda: ma quando arrivi all'ultima assegnazione(organizzazione professionista), i requisiti premio rimangono nascosti fino a quando non li sblocchi tutti? Avrò fatto, si e no, una 20ina di monete telecamera, ma ancora mi risultano i (???) di nascosto, è normale?
+xXZioPeppeXx grazie
Prego, almeno chiunque incappi in questo bug può tranquillamente uscirne fuori, credo che valga anche per le altre assegnazioni comunque, perché noto, con dispiacere, che anche in alcune delle altre spunta la spanna dove risultano già acquistati i 10 accessori e/o gadget.
Grazie per aver condiviso la tua esperienza!!!;)
+xXZioPeppeXx Grazie mille!
+Gianluca Pregnolato Ho risolto contattando l'assistenza della EA, comunque, nulla di più semplice, si bugga il pre-requisito degli acquisti, compra tutte le armi(primarie e secondarie), inoltre acquista pure l'esca e lo stealth...Compra ciò e disputa una partita con l'armamentario comprato e subito si sbloccano i requisiti per completare lo sbloccamento dell'assegnazione e del .300 Knockout, io l'ho fatto così, se trovi problemi, basta che lo segnali all'EA Helper.
+Andrea Oliva Ho lo stesso problema di +xXZioPeppeXx ... come risolvo?
Purtroppo è un bug che è successo a molti!! Ora non so se poi si risolve o se devi fare qualcosa visto che l'assegnazione l'ho completata molto tempo fa...se so qualcosa ti scrivo qui nei commenti!!:)

MDC Weapon Review - Robbery DLC Battlefield Hardline

In this video I will be reviewing the MDC Assault Rifle in Battlefield Hardline!!! Thanks for watching if you liked the video please like and subscribe. Call of Duty ...

User Comments

how old are you dude? 15?
Good guess. I am
PS4 I think?

Battlefield Hardline: F2000 Gun Guide - NEW BEST ASSAULT RIFLE?

Check out my other gun guides! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL15Dir0HjArLAKXiG-_xsizFMhQpXslBn The music used in this video is "Drivetastic" from ...

User Comments

How To Unlock F2000 ?
that gun model and reload look so much better here than in bf4. I wish they would copy them to bf4.
+Jarek The Gaming Dragon fair enough. but the bf4 reload has that dumb unneccessary "tap" on the magazine after it has been put into place. they could at least get rid of that :D
+jozza I HEAVILY disagree. The reload animation looks stupidly over the top and unnecessary. The gun model itself makes no sense. An F2000 does not have a cut out in the forgrip like this.
on my screen it shows this gun as the same fire rate and all the same stats as the m416.. I posted a video on my channel explaining that this is actually just an m416 reskin
+dogboy 1206 Battlefield's in game and battlelog stats are always incorrect. This is far from a reskin of the 416. Use //symthic.com/bf-hardline-weapon-info for stats. And for the love of god if you're going to try and make a review, have accurate information.
What game was it that gave this thing a bolt catch/release? Ever since whatever game that was, my brain cramps up for a minute when I see somebody rock the charging handle and I have to remind myself that it really just doesn't have a bolt catch.
+MrMrsirr That was MW2 For some reason you hit the take down pin because that obviously makes sense. lol
why no extended mags?
+Humberto Ramirez Extended mags are horrible. You only get 5 extra rounds and it gives you a big movement penalty.
Great gun, but I really dislike how, once again, the criminals get all the good weapons.
+TheOkayestGamer Right? The battle Rifles are so OP for Crims.
+‫علم النفس والاجتماع‬‎ No, no it's not. The M416 is literally the same thing with a faster fire rate so it is better. Now the F2000 is better.
m16a3 is the best gun in the game so.....
Kept us waiting, huh?
It was a Metal Gear reference, bro. And how's the DLC, by the way?
+Russell Rowe The dlc just came out

BF Hardline - How to Unlock all New Achievments/ Trophy In Criminal Activity DLC (BFH Gameplay)

BFH ( Battlefield Hardline ) How to Unlock all Achievements/Trophies in the Criminal Activity DLC in Battlefield Hardline? The Achievements are Dead or Alive, ...

User Comments

Where are the locations of the nailgun? Do the 10.000 kills also count if you just play non-dlc maps? Does the killcount reset after I go in legendary mode?

RUBBER ARM SYNDICATE How to unlock golden throwing knife in Battlefield hardline

this is just a how to not a full guide i will release a guide as soon as i unlock it.

User Comments

Next time I give you this stuff shout me out in the video or no more unlock requirements for you
+HyPzZ FrOsTy ok
+jacob wick i will i am gonna unlock it then shout u out k
Not trying to make it sound like a threat but I just want to get credit for doing this grinding for you

Survival Gold | How to Unlock - Battlefield Hardline

How to unlock the survival gold! Leave a Like if you enjoyed the video. Thanks for your support :) Please Ignore negative, or hateful comments. We're here to ...

User Comments

nice bro perfect gameplay montages
+chechen VOLK Thanks a lot bro! :)
nice kills
+Ghostgamer Nl Thanks! :)
+Infoplay what's your psn 
I play on xbox one bro
+Infoplay do you have any tips on getting the boat syicate its the last one I need. 
+INFOplay cheers bro and there just one more thing, have you got any tips on getting the tdm supremacy coin.
+Nay™ Hey bro, here is a tutorial :) the boat syndicate starting 1:34https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnC73zLU5uE&list=PLoy6mYqIIyFDZ2Tz_iEC8kvishgsKQRq-&index=7 and sorry for the late answer
+Infoplay I'm MrBuddFTW and I would like to ask, are you partnered , if not partnered join with fullscreen. There an amazing company that will help boost your channel. You can talk to millions of people, and so can your subs. So join today //apply.fullscreen.net/?ref=mrbuddftw1
That's nice, but I recject it for the time being, thank you.
+INFOplay thxs and I'm no scammer or anything but I'm just saying you show apply with fullscreen. There the best youtube partnership. They help boost your channel earn u more money and everything. plz consider applying. if u do. if there's any way we can talk l. lets.
I don't mean it rude. Sorry if you think so. Have a good time bro! I wish you a lot of fun on youtube. 
+INFOplay that's rude and mean. I have applied with fullscreen and there amazing. if ur gonna reject that's fine but, that rude.
+MrBuddFTW™ you have just as many subscribers as me and even fewer clicks on your videos. I think I'll reject the offer.
+INFOplay let me know. If u do, if u have any way we can talk, for example, have skype we can talk. And I'll be able to help u sign up. Because at first it's complex but then it gets easy.
No not yet, I'll let it you know, if I'm interested.
+INFOplay are u going to partner?
+MrBuddFTW™ Hey thank you for the offer :)

Battlefield Hardline 新武器MDC強い(´・ω・`)

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