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Audi rs4 kmh Videos

Shift 2 Audi RS4 491 Km/h

Audi RS4 in NFS Shift 2 speedin up to 491 km/h.

User Comments

slow.........try 495 and pass me next time.....sorry pal......but the tuning is pretty essential!!! :) glad you uploaded this
Das ist nicht Shift 2 :-D Oder ? Bei mir siehts anders aus also ich hab den Modi garnicht ...
you buy the speedhunters edition it gives you this track and some cars it costs 10 euros
how do you get that drag strip? SOMEONE LEASE ANSWER MEEEEEE:) thanks.....
@NBRverliebtlHP Das kannst dir im PSN oder wo auch immer dazu kaufen ;)
An die PC'ler: Auf de PC ist die speedhunter edition usw. kostenlos ;-)
tabi türk, profil resminde türk bayragi var ismi zaten türk :D
how do you get your car this fast? is it an add on?or just hacks
Mine cannot exceed 370 and mine is just as good as urs why?
think the driver left his balls at the starting line
/watch?v=3ZrOc5VN5vQ CHECK MY RS4 SHIFT 2 PC MOD ;)
omg everyone cares about ur 4kmh difference ahhhh
Map? ,.. and How can you go so fast? o.O xD Nice!
Since when did Audi's have jet engines in em??
where is this course?????????????????
Что за режим гонки?
where can I find this circuit
sounds like a Gallardo's v10
What circuit is this???
This is an online race
c quoi le circuit?

HD: BMW M3 CSL vs Audi RS4 50-250 km/h

HD: BMW M3 CSL vs Audi RS4 x 2 50-250 km/h.

User Comments

Audi use the same engine block as in the Gallardo, only with other softwares, so it's still audi technologies, and that engine is in the S6, RS6, S8 and the R8, so it doesn't have anything to do with the 4.2 Liter V8 in the RS4. And the RS4 isn't even turbocharged or anything you're just stipid. The new M3 has a V8 almost as big as the audi. And the M3 "CSL"
@ErosaScuderia I was highlighting the fact that at the age of 14 you can't have first hand experience of day to day Audi ownership like I do. I never said you couldn't drive cars. To answer your question, I have read people "bitching" about their Audis breaking down, but I've also read many people "bitching" about their BMWs and Mercs, etc. breaking down. Audi are no less reliable than BMW; if you think I am wrong then prove it with real facts. Audi make some of the most reliable cars OTR.
Both of these cars are fantastic. The majority of people commenting here can never afford either car and will never drive either car. Good luck finding the B7 RS4 used in this video as only around 10,000 were ever made. Only 2500 made it to the US. The same can be said about the E46 M3 CSL which is also very rare. Truth is only a skilled driver can get the most out of these cars on a track. The novice everyday driver will not be able to take advantage of of what makes these cars great.
but don;t u guys see that the BMW M3 CSL was out 2003 and the Audi RS4 is 2005.... of course the AUDI would be better in this case, they always make more powerful cars each few years. the rs4 uses a V8 plus a 4.2 litre, which meant more torque than the M3 CSL using its S54B32 tuned a bit. It is only 3.2 litre and only a straight 6 cyclinder engine = lots of stuff below RS4 (because made 2003?) so they can't really compare, supposing that they are made with 2 years difference.
@ErosaScuderia "piece-of-shit-Volkswagen in a tuxedo" You've clearly not been in an Audi before, and you certainly haven't owned one at the grand age of 14 so I don't know how the heck you can criticize it. I've just done a 3,500 mile roadtrip in 2 weeks in my RS4 and it's been absolutely faultless. Infact, the only issue I've had with my RS4 over it's entire ownership has been a slightly creaking dashboard due to the leather rubbing on the aluminium trim.
Very funny "discussion" going on here! ^^ Americans, that can only put 10litre truck-engines with about 200 hp into cars arguing about german cars and engineering! *rofl* guys - i have a 10 years old a4 b5 with a 2.8 v6, i love it and it works like on the first day, i already had an rs4 b6 for a few days, it was incredible - but my friends also had m3s, 540s e55s and stuff... these are all very good cars, each of it, believe me. so calm down and relax.
and a nother thing m3 are limited to about 150 where as the rs4 is limerted to about 165 m3 having a straight 6 comperd to the rs4's v8 but still thay should put the rs4 agnst the new m3 then c what happons THE NEW M3 FUCKEN OWNES it has a faster lap time than a lamborghini gallardo around nurberg ring v8 vs v8 onyl fear
@mnino2 Bullshit on a silver plate! How about taking the BMW OFF sport mode smart one? And if Audi is high-quality, how come most of the Audi owners on YouTube complain that their piece-of-shit-Volkswagen in a tuxedo ends up in the shop every week, or every month? Fairy tales ain't your thing buddy, flipping burgers is.
So for the pople that don´t know much about physics. weight isn´t a big factor as the speed increases, hp is though.. An example, yes the veyron has 1000hp but i also weighs 2.000kg wich is alot. still it manages to outpace just about everything on the streets.
Why do you call me a pussy, faggot? I never said the engine was bad so go fuck yourself. But the engine is tuned the fuck out, that's what I'm saying. And the car weighs much less than the audi + the audi has got 4 wheels drive and is probably much more equipped.
norra124 what you know idiot ! audi is fucking dragstar.... 4.2 is not audi and lambo engine, that engine create porsch for 4door porsch *prototype* 80, 90... . bmw made own engines, audi> 1.9 tdi_vw, 2.0 tdi_vw, 2.0fsi_vw, 2.0tfsi_vw, 4.2_porsch...
the audi v8 sounds amazing, and the 3.2 v6 sounds amazing as well. Better than a bmw? I believe so. The rs4 is a great car, but it's not really faster than the csl that much anyways. My bet is the rs4 just weighs alot more with four doors and awd.
Straight six 3.2 litre, tuned a bit for CSL, came from 1999. CSL production started in 2002 and ended year later. Hence, there is comprarision of engines with 6 year difference and still M3 CSL is better on each track than RS4.
All that extra engine and 2 cyclinders and 4wd in the audi didnt get it very far for all that efffort!! still, pat on the back to audi for at least trying.. best leave the experts to doing what they are best at.. BMW AND MERC!!
It was a good choice to record that race from cabin of CSL:) This particular BMW is designed to be a circuit-race car rather than straight line drag-racer. Even if I close my eyes can recognize this sound without any doubts!
With a rolling start such as they do, it takes away as much driver interference as possible and they try to purely show the cars performance against its competitors. Best way to eliminate driver inexperience as possible
@Brendawgggggggg Congrats. The E36 is a great car especially as a starter. I actually just purchased an 2012 E92 M3. Taking Delivery in November. I still love the E46. The car has great lines. Enjoy and Good Luck!
RS4 B7 has 3.92 kg / 1 bhp and the M3 CSL has 3.55 kg / 1 bhp so the M3 is advantaged. Also the RS4 is quattro which slows it in a straight line but still the heavier Audi is faster. Porsche & Audi THE BEST!!
Mercedes-Benz is the most reliable car maker out of the three companies. I also read more people complaining about Audi's than BMW and Merc owners (no bullshit)... And Zildjian's are nice cymbols.
Go work on your english first of all and the when you're finished go learn about cars and then, when you've found out that Audis are the best cars out there, get one and fuck ur mom in it.
@styleew1 im actually driving in a year and planning on getting a e36 m3 or e46 m3, my brother owns a e46 m3 black on black with a stick manual and i love it its pretty much my dream car

Audi RS4 B5 660 ps 100-200 km/h 6.0 sec. (Anaconda aus Hamburg.)

User Comments

Au verdammt der marschiert gewaltig. besitze auch einen, aber deiner spielt in einer anderen Liga.
Uhhh jebote :D hahah...........der geht echt brutal, was für ne AGA ist drunter?
ey bruda was haste alles verbaut ? Lader LLKs AGA etc

Shift 2 Audi RS4 DOING 400 km/h!!!

My audi showing its great power and stability. PLEASE COMMENT!!

User Comments

hahahah, nice try.... You need to earn this beast. If I get more then 1,000.000 hits on youtube for this vid, i'll upload it.... really... help me get that number, show this video to your friend, promot it.... thanks....
I love how in this game you can works convert EVERY car that's not already a GT1 or GT3. Makes the whole list seem useful, instead of the 20-something in the first shift
Just buy every upgrade for this car, including the drag parts, but don't buy the works kit. Also, if you hold the nitro button it can go up to 500+ km/h
@mikenmbr1 i hope that you arent thinking that this is a fake vid. I am considering taking it off youtube because these guys get on nervs..!!
@DiRT3Xbox360 i reaally cant remember exactly, but i think the upgrades were all in, and then i did some tuning before testing... sry
@mevlid1 yes. Do you can a does video of Other cars? (standard cars) Of the mark Mercedes-Benz :P. Sorry for my english xD
You can easily beat that with the Supra without works kit. Driven over 430 with some tuned gear ratio.
@YoUsuFzZ95 why is everyone jeleous? i just upgrade the car reg. NO MODS OR CHEATS...
Cool story bro, I can reach 520 KM/h with an S3 fully upgraded and with works :P
@HBO637 WHAAAAT?!! NOOOO!!! pure skill and hard work, and some good tunning
WHAAAAT?!! NOOOO!!! pure skill and hard work, and some good tunning
my audi rs4 is doing 430+ on that track whitout works kit :)
do u buy that shit for 60.000$ on the end of upgrade list?
/watch?v=3ZrOc5VN5vQ CHECK MY RS4 SHIFT 2 PC MOD ;)
@MercedesFUN1 aha, its really fast right?!
What setting had the car? Please answer!
thats down hill, try same up hill!!!
haha guys.. it's only a turbo mod :)
cool the thing is i cant stand audi
@deezybabyish Seriously, NO MODS!!!
Could you upload your savegame?? :D

Honda Civic Type-R vs BMW M3 vs Audi RS4 (260 km/h)

Carrera entre Honda Civic Type-R vs BMW M3 vs Audi RS4, el civic llega a 260 km/h al borde de las 8000 revoluciones por minuto...

User Comments

honda es superior en cuanto a fiabilidad y durabilidad ...las estadisticas lo dicen.....y bueno el type r NO HAY NINGUN COCHE NI AUDI NI BMW QIE a aigualdad depotencia de le pelo ..un type r a un audi tt 225cv se cepilla y corre y acelera mas rapido que un audi a3 2.0 tfsi 200 cv.,.,.,,.,lo que si es maestria y buen hacer es el merito de sacarle a un 2.0 litros 200 cv SINTURBO flipaos y que suba hasta las 8000 rpm ..eso si es fliparlo -.,.,.ofrece unas sensaciones de carreras..,
Un modesto Type R de 200 CV contra un M3 y un RS4.... que rondan los 400CV.... pues ole sus huevos ahi! ( el M3 no iva a tope seguro) yo tengo el Type S, y me encanta Honda, y ahora viendo este video ojalá tubiera dinero para tener el R porque tela.... va al maximo del marcador! jajajaja. Y no os engañeis porque el RS4 es de lo mejorcito de audi, quitando el R8. el Honda Type R es un deportivo ''económico'' y sus motores son de una fiabilidad por encima de otras marcas....
tiene la caja de cambios mas corta porque tiene menos potencia y no podria moverla con soltura. el m3 y rs4 aceleran mas rapido y con una relacion bastante mas larga. (mira sino el sl 55amg con cambio automatico de 5vel, las marchas tienen que ser largas porque con el mayor par no haces mas que derrapar en todas las marchas). pero eso no quita los cojones que tiene el honda para seguir a un m3 aunque este limitado
No te flipes tanto seguro q el RS4 llevara turbo seguro y mayor cilindrada y mayor en caballos y en estabilidad y en todo, pero q pasaria... si le ponemos un turbito al civic? date cuenta q el type R es un motor atmosferico (weno si sabes de koxes para empezar) fijate en los videos q ai en youtube de HONDA CIVIC TYPE R VS AUDI S3 !!!!!se l oapsa x la piedra FACILMENTE¡¡¡.
que no es rival?? Metelos a los 3 en un tramo de montaña y no le huelen ni el humillo al Type R. Xq la relacion de marchas del Honda no esta pensada para rodar x una autovia, sino por un cirucutio revirado. El BMW y sobre todo el Audi son deportivos de autovia, x este motivo su caja de cambios alarga mucho mas que la del Honda. No son ni mejores ni peores, solo diferentes.
Yes, i know. For a 4 banger it runs pretty well, but the BMW and Audi are in a completely different league. Both the BMW and Audi are limited to 250 kmh (Most of the time, but sometimes they remove those limiters) and are basically just big luxury driving machines meant for comfortable cruising on very high speeds. The honda is just kind of an hot hatch.
No olvides q ese m3 está ahi delante del morro del civic tanto rato porque está limitado a 250, esta mas q comprobado q dan sobre los 280km/h. Por otra parte, el m3 es atmosferico y tiene mejor potencia especifica (relacion potencia/cilindrada) que el civic ese tan bien exprimido que dices. Tampoco sabes tanto como presumes.
cada uno a su nivel no me vengas de eterao/a xq aki pa listo yo q pa eso se mas q tu seguro. un motor japones como honda se aprobexa muxo mas q kualkiera de esas dos chatarras alemanas sabes??.ya me kontestaras si tienes algo ke alegar flipado q eras mas q un flipado yo q trabaje en HONDA te digo q son 3 veces mejor.
yes but its modified. otherwise it can't gain the speed to catch them M3 and RS in stock trim. it must have at least a 220-240hp and have the car pretty stripped to lose the excess weight. as for the 2 other cars can do it from factory trim. so slap on a few minor bolt-ons and they will have a good little boost.
aja pa empezar em gustaria saber q koxe tienes tu tanto ke fardas de saber xDD mu bien si ai se ha visto el pike y mui bien el q a grabado sabe l oq ace sta claro , yo mecanico? ajaj si tengo titulo desgraciao mas q tu se seguro y de ninño na xaval.xatarras alemanas....
Aver enterao q veo q eres mui listo tu, pa empezar el civic tiene un motor 2.0 de 200cv y es motor atmosferico sin mas... que mas kieres q aga los 260 ya los has visto ke los koje ,ke mas pruebas kieres?¬¬ ati seguro q se te ace una paja.
Asi es, tiene cambiados los arboles como minimo, de agencia suenan pero no tanto, ademas de que trae admision cambiada y todo el sistema de escape, y no pesa nada en comparacion con los Audi y BMW, que estan 100% stock
dam some exaggerations there lol. BMW 3.2litres, Audi 2.7litres. Tho the civic is really light seeing it is equipped with just plastic. So the weight and plus they are all limited to 155, allows the civic to keep up =)
Jaja lo k tu digas xro yo t digo q lso metes en circuito y en relacion peso y toda esa mierda ya m dirias tu q ace el M3 co¡¡¡¡ q es un vehiculo cn muxo peso q no vale pa tomar x kulo un M3.
TODO EL MUNDO SABE sacarle cv a un motor con un TURBO..-.,.,.sino sabeis lo quye es HONDA es porqiue no sabeis donde teneis la cara•"•"segud flipando con vuestros bmw,,audi,,,,,,eeetttccccc
@sinegra30 Que bueno es el bmw, verdad? no le ayudo! el HONDA se APROVECHO de esa circunstancia. EL BMW no se alejaba mas porque no tenia mas potencia! de lo contrario no lo hubiera "ayudado"
EJEMPLO1:civic type R vs audi S3=paja al audi xDD EJEMPLO2:honda NSX R VS audi rs4=paja al audi EJEMPLO3:honda civic type R- R sin turbo vs M3 = paja al M3 enteraooo q eres un enteraooooooo
ajj q tonto eres xD yo tendre el q kiera asi ya tenog uno un accord xD tolay???ajjj tu tenias q irte a la hoguera a k te kemaran a si tu koxe q es un microcar??? xDD q gente d verda....
Aver lelo, como le va a hacer el civic type r con 200 cv a un m3 con 350. Es que simplemente es eso, la diferencia de cavallaje k tienen y el rs4 se como a esos dos como kiere.
no hay que tocarlo por todos lados para que suene asi, basta con cambiar el sistema de escape... es mas, yo creo que solo lleva el escape y si eso la admision... salu2
por mucho q me guste honda.... no es rival pa esos dos pepinos nunca nunca lo hagas un civic type R tiene 200cv 2000 gasolina aparte donde sacais la pasta pa gasolina?

BMW M3 E92 DCT vs cheating Audi RS4 (cheating) 50-250 km/h = m3e90board.com

//www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e90-m3-sedan-e92-m3-coupe-e93-m3-convertible-e46-m3-e36-m3-z4-m-z4-m-coupe/126678-video-bmw-m3-e92-vs-audi- ...

User Comments

Audi vs BMW in a nutshell: head to head, BMW usually outperforms audi, but BMWs are boring as hell on the inside and audis have the sickest interiors of any cars on the road. Those who solely care about raw power will support BMW even if they are dead wrong, while people who enjoy the styling of audis wont shut up when their car is clearly outperformed. Im personally a fan of Audi, specifically the S5. Sure the m3 takes it to town in a race in a line or track, but DAAAMN HAVE U SEEN THAT THING?
I've leaped a car length on an e92 in a stock '00 jetta gls. It's how you drive, not the car. A straight line really proves nothing imo. A car with more power accelerated faster then one with less. Turning...now that is where i believe the m3's power to be. There are a ton of factors that contribute to a car's handling over a car's acceleration. The Audi is a great car, setting a ton of benchmarks and, imo, the m3 finally caught up. Its like the video I saw with a turbo fd3s owning an rsx.
You're wrong. we buy BMWs because they are the best of the best. and speaking about Audi.. i'd compare them with Lexus. BMWs look much better than Audis, they handle ton of times better than Audis, and they are faster than Audis. and when u drive them.. u can just feel the road somehow i just can't explain it. amazing how BMW makes contact between the road and the driver. and when it comes between AUDI and Lexus i'll go for the Lexus.. because they r so much more comfortable than audis.
Yea, Mr. Man in the RS4 is a cheater. But... the Audi RS4 and BMW M3 are so close in performance, you cant say which one is better. Both have insane handling, insane acceleration and insane top speed. Face it, BMW and Audi are both badass producers, I dont believe one is better than the other. Except for BMWs failure to MAKE A SUPERCAR!!! Audi has the R8, i want to see what BMW has to add to the table
Not because of higher revs, because of weight and loss of WHP due to AWD. Both C63 and Ms are significantly lighter. However an RS4 in the states has been trimmed to 3500lbs and is doing insane 3.8 sec 0-60 now. 3500lbs is about what the M3 comes in at. The C63 just has a huge engine displacement and uses torque not revs. It has a lower redline than the Audi and BMW.
@waldemar31293 both cars you drive are just great. As you mentioned 5 is a sporty car if quite a bit stiff. C class is a bit smaller but looks great and I believe it rides well. And e class is just for family - large, fast, beautiful. Sounds very good. Wish you to get a great car with clear history and well maintained :) and btw audi is jus POS.
@MrNigalow aha the rs6 kill any bimmer in your dreams! have u seen it against m6? not to mention the new generation m5 f10...i can feel your pain and agony yeah i know this bimmer SPANKED the living daylight out of your crappy audi as usual but that not enough reason to be DEPRESSED about, now go back to mums breasts.
@Kenttas we drive an benz c class my uncle a 5er damn that are great cars with the bmw you can good sportly drive but it's to hard for me and there no place for family :( but in merc you drive so chill and place is good. we soon buy E class for ourselves the best car what I have ever gone!:)
i wouldn't say murdered it and is the rs4 an estate ? if it is think of all that extra weight and remember the m3 isn't stock aswell and the rs4 is so in fairness i would of cheated and to be honest i wouldn't be bothered if i owned either because both are amazing car's
BMW 5L V10 was awarded. The Inline-6 in general are awarded year after year. The 135d was awarded for its low carbon dioxide as well as the 335d. And they are yet still being awarded. They out sold Mercedes and out perform its competition. That's definately +1
all you noobs. bmw m3 is the best car overall... merc just put a fucking 6.2 litre into every model they have, theres no engineering.... they cant handle for shit, unlike BMW, they balance there cars out and still DOMINATE with a smaller engine.. gg
considering the rs4 was out 2 years before the new m3 was, i am not suprised of the outcome. the real winner here is Audi for having a car thats older in design and on an aging platform (b6/b7) that still can hang with the newest and best from BMW.
@waldemar31293 exactly my friend, i think the same. Merc and bmw for life, they give fun, they look gorgeous and audi is just for village. Look at audi designt at late 80 or 90-they all look the same and are all ugly. BMW and mercs are just great
apparently u dont know shit about anything !!! and looks to me ur an audi fanboy !!! cant u fuckin hear the guy say "apparently we cheat,......" and whatever because all audi drivers and cocks !!! just admit it that the M3 murdered the RS4 !!!
Well the RS4 weighs 4000 pounds, and the AWD soaks alot of WHP. The BMW is 400 pounds lighter. Even up the weight, see who wins in any case at that point. RS4 engine is far superior, and AWD makes the car a real drivers car in any conditions.
is not fair comparing a slighty tuned M3 with an RS4 . how many hp the M3 has? I suspect at least 450hp plus that the m3 is a coupe which means is lighter than the RS4 . the comparison should be this: RS5 vs M3> I do wanna see that!
BMW is the worlds best Engine Manufaktur... The Engine of the BMW M3 was 6-times in a row engine of the year. BMW was also 2 times F1 Champion as a engine supplier. And the handling is the best handling you can get worldwide!
@kay19833 lol no need to get butt hurt, just telling you what ive seen on youtube, put an m6 to an r8 5.2 and watch the m6 get raped! i love BEAMERS there beautiful but in my opinion but i like audi more! thats just me
There is no median for these guys, lol. Not even worth arguing. You probably drive a hyundai sonata or a toyota prius and have no idea what you are talking about, other than what people tell you and unstaged bias.
Boy that RS4 cheated and it still got beaten....man those Audis are going downhill. I dont think they'll ever make an RS4 as good as the BiTurbo B5 RS4. Oh I dont see anything beating the M3 in this class.
thats right,amg is more abouth luxury with a lot of torque,thats what you need when you have prime lady inside,no need for best track times ...........

Audi RS4, 100-200 km/h @ 9,3 sec

Modifications: Software and exhaust, 425 hp, 520 nm.

User Comments

PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved (Reply)
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved
@emokTheKid What? You make no sense. Why would it have to be downhill? He was driving just under 80km/h and then floored it from there. I'm not sure where you got lost...
a uno igualito a este le mate con el dodge 1500 de david , el que le dicen pijitus en panamerican y cargados con leña y dos gordas atras.....toma mate
when you put your foot down the computer always shows insane values, that are far from the truth, it's not really 51 l/100 km;)
@MrBalkania Acceleration starts before 100km/h. 0:05 - 0:15 is 100-200. So its less then 11-12 seconds....
@jolarsouille74 but you can meassure 100-200 or 93-188, or whatever you want my friend.
I see 10,5s for 85-200. Your test is not à 100-200 but a 85-200 one.
y would u put a new exhaust on a rs4? they sound beautiful without a
holy shit good 1 cant drive without brakes during drag
..check your stopwach please, thats right with 9,3sec!
That thing has 612 hp, this has 425 and this is AWD
Suzuki GSX10R 2004 goes 0-200 for 7.2 seconds!
hahahahahaaaaa 51.9 lt/100km... cheap car!!!!
or maybe the the pads are wearing out !
MB S65 AMG does in 7 sec 100 - 200km/h
Shit or not, bike is very faster!
why is your brake light on?
o ne biçim bi makine yaa
aynisi babamda da var:P
check your brakes...

Audi RS4 AVANT-1000 Meter in 22 Seconds at 233 km/h Speed

udi RS4 AVANT-1000 Meter in 22 Seconds at 233 km h Acceleration.

User Comments

Klasse, dass du jetzt die Zeiten misst. Nur der 0-200 km/h Wert fehlt mMn noch, ansonsten top!!

Audi RS4 a 310 km/h

Tremenda "cagada" de 2 que se pusieron en un Audi RS4 a 310 km/h. Ya se pueden sentir hombres realizados... que gilipollas hay que ser...

User Comments

recuerdo por el titulo que hay paises que no tienen limite de velocidad en las autopistas, aqui en españa no se tendrian que llamar autopistas se tendrian que llamar comarcales ya que tienen mas baches que un camino de burros
dios q cracks!hacia tiempo q no veia un video de un rs4 tan rapido.....viva las limitaciones electronicas de velocidad q brillan por su ausencia
I think this RS4 has about 460hp and 600Nm torque. Have you ever driven a RS4 that runs 337kmh on GPS the engine turning 7480rpm?
this is so not an RS4... chill... look at the dashboar.... 6500 RPM redline... the RS4 has the redline at 8250 RPM
das ıs good:)
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