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PBS Nova Mind of a Rampage Killer 720p HD

User Comments

Anyone else find it ironic that all (or just about all) of the kids in that juvenile detention center were African-Americans, but all (or almost all) of 'rampage shooters' in the USA are Caucasian? This might not mean anything - but it does seem ironic, at least to me, that they are trying to draw a correlation between troubled youth and rampage killing but the kids that are locked up don't match the typical profile of the very thing this documentary is based upon.
Interesting stuff!  Thanks for the reply!  It almost seems like an oversight in this doc.  Why was this subject of racial lines just glossed over?  Maybe it doesn't matter, or maybe there's nothing to it (at the end of the day, it's still conjecture on our part)...but to me, it seems noteworthy, or at least worth a mention.
I definitely agree with you. I read somewhere that for African-American or other minority groups, generally in the case of school shootings/ juvenile detention etc tend to commit crimes of passion, or a violent behaviour based on 'snapping' so to speak. Apparently this is due to a number of factors such as coming from low-income/disadvantaged backgrounds (not to say that all minority groups do, of course! Just some those in question) then, these individuals don't tend to be 'psychopaths' for lack of a better word. Crimes of passion, though horrific in their own right, tend to be more understandable. The likes of Sandy Hook and the multitude of other cases carried out by Caucasians and why they are generally (majority) carried out by Caucasians is interesting... And unknown to myself at least! Would be very interested to know why this is, as I'm unsure it can always be explained away as 'natural' and would definitely be more on the 'nurture' side of the arguement. All of this being said, it's still all so very, very sad.
This is a propaganda film.
+takihama fujiokaYep. Just as I suspected.You're "willfully ignorant".(Willful (WILLFUL) ignorance means you're ...stupid!)You are a FOLLOWER. That means you don't like deciding for yourself (AKA: using one's brain and pineal gland) and do what others tell you to do.Why?YOU know that best of all.It's YOUR life of servitude.I am ME and have as much right to be here and be ME as any other person on the planet.
+t4705mb6 How rude.
+Earl Obama Yes.I heard it from the feds in the early '70s when they were terrified they would be found out for their involvement in the JFK, RFK and MLK murders."Conspiracy" was purposefully made a dirty (linguistics) word by the perpetrators.BTW: You are either ignorant, retarded, stupid or just plain lazy.... perhaps all of the above.You have a computer, right?
+t4705mb6 Propaganda for what? I have a feeling you heard that word somewhere and are not using it correctly.
This is bullshit.
+Ihas Atwinkie So's your opinion...
This is stupid! Who cares about anyone's mind -- the guns did the killing. Guns kill people, sometimes all by themselves. Sometimes they trick people into helping. Yes, that was sarcasm. Nice to see a show that asks why someone would do such a thing, not just try and keep guns away from everyone.
Dude I know this is old but I agree I hate when a mass shooting happens and you know they try to make it sound dramatic by giving out all these gun statistics or deaths to make it sound worse than it actually is and this documentary for once actually explains more so of why they did it, they should have like a second edition to this episode since they showed many killers but didn't really go into motives about like cho and holmes etc.
+Doc Memory I almost gave up on you and then you earned my respect in a big way. Yes after Sandy Hook I thought this country was going to do a 180... Not to get to the bottom of the "Gun Issue" but to get to the bottom of the "Crazy Issue".
+Lionel Messi :-)
+Doc Memory At first I was heated... then I read the rest of your comment.
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