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Home birth overweight Videos

Sims 3: Overweight Genie going on bike to hospital to give birth

Why do women add weight when they get married or give birth?

Maina Kageni was shocked to find out that men have a problem with over weight women and don't know how to tell their wives that they are adding too much ...

User Comments

about weight depends with individual life style.am 56 after losing 10kg and am ok...your height determines how much one should weigh...pia the food one eats matters alot.
+Shiro funkiest according to your height. .your minimum weight should be 57 and maximum 70.
+Racheal Njambi you said the height determines the weight therefore I asked whether taller pple are therefore allowed to way more than the shorter ones,I personally weight 67.8kg and am 1.7meters tall av tried counting my bmi n it's allowed 41. ... or am I counting the wrong way??
+Shiro funkiest I haven't talked about taller. .....this how we do it..underweight (BMI less than 18.5)normal weight (BMI between 18.5 & 24.9)overweight (BMI between 25.0 & 29.9)obese (BMI 30.0 and above)to calculate Bmi=weight in kilograms. ..divided by ...height in meters squared.
the taller the more weight n vice verser???
Am 86kg and love it that way
Big girls you are beautiful

A Home For Sprinkles

Remember earlier this year when a grossly overweight house cat named "Sprinkles" made world news? When she was found in a foreclosed-upon house in ...

User Comments

:o YAY she's finally lost some weight, looks like my cat xD
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