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Charleston wv wreck Videos

The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald Gordon Lightfoot Cover

This was a request.. and a very good one.. I do it with the utmost respect for the 29 member crew of the Edmund Fitzgerald and their families, and for Gordon ...

User Comments

Did the U.S. Coastguard not have fast enough boats to get out there? 
+Cave Johnson Also it occured in Canadian waters, not US
+Cave Johnson There was no distress signal sent out. The Fitz's captain's last words to a nearby ship that had been guiding her after both radars went out was "We're holding our own". The storm was also so terrible that it would be near impossible and extremely dangerous to perform a rescue mission. 75-85 mph winds and 25-35ft waves.
Well done Larry. An absorbing cover. I'm curious about the sound the guitar makes. Do you use special strings, or is the acoustic guitar plugged up to an amp or something? The sound is very full. Thanks, an amateur.
He is using a 12-string
Larry~This is the version that I Love, even more than the original~It is just all the stuff you put into it~You make the sound SO you, and that, my friend, is Priceless and what has so many loving you and your music~~ione marie
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