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How to cook nopales Videos

How To Peel And Cook Fresh Nopales/cactus

In this video i will be showing you how to peel and cook fresh nopales/cactus.

User Comments

can you eat it raw
yes, i have just make sure that its peeled off
Alex is wrong you actually can eat them raw.
+HexticGames haha no

How to prepare and cook nopales cactus♥Nopales and Diabetis♥Mexican Catus

Learn how to cook nopales cactus and the best part how to get rid of the cactus SAP! Ingredients: - garlic -onion -sal -nopales.

User Comments

I will give you a great tip. Never cook nopales in water. They will cook in their own juice ( babas). At the beginning you need to stir them until they release their juice. Add bouillon powder while they are cooking instead of salt and crushed garlic. This will be less slimy and you put in a colander to drain.
Great video. You are both informative and fun, without being annoying. Gonna cook some up now! Thanks
I'd like to try this with mescaline containing cactus :p
Hitasazo Seguro Weritaaa!!!!!!!!! LovIt!!! :) xoxoxo
yum i asm making this with fajatas tonight
there's probably alot of hair in your food
See Don I can now use the whole plant
She is so cute!! Thanks :)
you are awesome!
good tip

How to Prepare Nopales (Cactus Pads) | Sunset

Sunset Associate Food Editor Elaine Johnson gives you some tips and tricks for transforming cactus pads into a delicious ingredient for quesadillas, salads, ...

User Comments

now i want to make a cactus saghetti

Cooking Nopales Con Huevos

Nopales Con Huevos Nopales con huevos (cactus with eggs) is one of my favorite breakfast dish. Nopales are native to México, there are 100's of dishes made ...
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