+Judge Dredd Force Awakens is almost as bad as the prequels okay. 100% unoriginal. Villian isn't really intimidating without the mask. Bullshit lightsaber duel at the end. R2-D2 wakes ups all of a sudden.
+Captain Phasma At least they're orginal unlike Force Awakens. And gave us the Tv show. Force Awakens is on par with Revenge of the Sith in my opinion.
+Ian Williams I know the story. They still CHOSE a black actor. They still CHOSE an imposing female villian. They still CHOSE a leading female character as well. New movie..2 females and 1 black lead. I'd have done the same for diversity and profit. but it's very forced to appeal to the Hunger Games and Teen Vampire demographic. I think it cheapens the authenticity if they are bad characters that are forced. At least they used English actors. I will go in with an open mind..but I'm sure there with be a lot of appeal to teenagers, camp acting and unnecessary positivity in war. Along with unrealistic strength. I go in with an open mind though..but I a waert. The ONLY thing I am counting on is JJ Abrams attention to authenticity. ThE DISNEY PART scares the hell out of me.
+sawink the clones died off by the time the original trilogy came along timeline wise the storm troopers were recruited soldiers. Also the actress they have playing Capt Phasma is just tall it's pretty clear she is lady like.
"People want to see a more diverse cast in movies." I guess the first 6 EPISODES DID HORRIBLY? Rhetorical. Even when they cast a villain as a woman it's a manly woman. I actually encourage and enjoy that. There are physical reasons why men and stronger (physically) characters are cast as villains. You don't really fear a 3 ft 2 unimposing character. Even Yoda was mistakend for a meddlesome annoying creature when Luke met him (yes him) the first time. A perfect example of why certain characters are cast a certain way. I'm going in with an open mind..but I'm guessing the rankings will be 4,5,6,7,3,2,1 as far as episodes. It will fit in the middle. The saving grace being the well skilled JJ Abrams.
+SupaSpartan Gaming What was it, a room full of press dudes
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