Global Islamic Terror Threat - Boko Haran's Bloody War - The Five
Global Islamic Terror Threat - Boko Haran's Bloody War - The Five NY Times: Abduction Of Girls An Act Not Even Al Qaeda Can Condone RPT Hillary Clinton As ...
@talonvi I think it is never as bad as those who promote non-stop fear
propaganda say it is, nor is it as good as sheep think it is. Many people
are irrational morons who will believe in an octopus that lives in a tree.
If people will actually believe that a water living creature lives in a
tree on land, they will believe anything.
well i say this , We are all going to be slaves and if you dont fallow
there instructions ( giving up all your sovereignty )off the cuba and every
other holding spot for ever thanks to the NDAA from obama on new years eave
late at night .
@tearsoftechnology after viewing this video everyone left for their bug out
locations. ;) On a serious note I can't believe I'm hearing all of this.
Like apparently everyone else who has viewed this I'm speechless.
Rand Paul talks to RT on Tea Party power, Fed threat & Obamacare
As the US reels in the wake of economic downturn, Senate candidate Rand Paul calls for more supervision of the Federal Reserve. The Republican nominee ...
Rand Paul is a great leader.. Jack Conway I know personally and I will not
throw dirt too harsh but will say this-- not one statement he makes is
honest. He cut Human and = rights services and vocational training and we
have a larger Marshall like police state than we do people in our schools
Human services I have spoke and for the ignorant give my state KY a horrid
name brainwashed! We have many now it has settled and we are doing well now
that our lieing media are showing face. Peace my people
it is real simple alot of americans do not know that 90-95 percent of
everything they see on tv is only by 6 corporations so what that means is
the top 3-4 news channels are really just propaganda machine for the elite
and they use this to brain wash people and anyone that has tried to step up
and do a real news story has been fired look it up it will shock u these
news stations we have in usa are nothing but entertainment channels
focusing on celebs and non issues to usa citizens from the truth
America needs to abolish all the corrupt political parties and hold
straightforward/honest popular votes to fill positions. It is the special
interest political parties that ensures that the American political system
will stay corrupt and rotten to the core. An example, is what both parties
are doing right now to give the super rich a huge tax winfall. There isn't
a dimes worth of difference in either party or their sleazzy politicians.
Working American citizens always continue to get screwed.
@phantomspellchecker So you admit public schools are failing. We can agree
on that at least. The economic collapse was created by our Keynesian
economic policy.The government has been trying to "stimulate" the economy
by printing money & lowering interest rates to encourage spending.It works
over a short time but eventually the market reacts & figures out they can't
buy as much with the dollar & are broke on top of that.As for BP,they just
need to pay 100% of the damages.No regulation needed
@wdhoctor Learn about our two party system, the false left-right paradigm.
The corporations fund them both. America is a corporatocracy. Its not
"Republicans are for the rich", "Democrats are for the poor", its a system
by the corporations, and for the corporations. Republicans will let the
corporations crash the economy. The Democrats will bail them out. Is there
something wrong with this picture? They rely on you to stay in the paradigm
and fail to see the bigger picture.
The libertarians and tag baggers want the government to stay out of
corporations and businesses. WAIT, isn't this current big ass mess on our
economy the result of no regulations and oversight? Why would anyone want
to vote the people who will make laws that are conducive to another big
crash? This idea of capitalism running wild without being monitored in any
way is dangerous! The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer if
people like Rand Paul get elected.
@phantomspellchecker No, he takes issue with Title X of the Civil Rights
Act that prohibits a private business from discrimination. The other titles
within the act deal with public entities. He raises the question on whether
the federal government, or government in general, has the authority to
mandate actions by private individuals and businesses? The answer is
technically no, but we've allowed this belief to proceed in some areas and
refused it in others. Take care.
I don't know if I like Rand. I love his father, Ron Paul, but Rand's
philosophy seems to be different than Ron's. Father and Son aren't one in
the same, they are individuals with different views and experiences that
forge their own ideas and personalities through separate lives. You would
have to be a fool to think Ron = Rand. However there are plenty of good
merits to Rand, and I hope he wins his race and proves that he's made of
the same stuff his old man is.
The Living-constitution preamble: We the Oligarchy of the US, in Order to
form a more perfect central government, establish only criminal Justice,
insure controlling Tranquility, provide for the common redistribution,
promote social Welfare, and secure Liberty only to the Oligarchy and their
Posterity, do establish this erratic unpublished constitution for the US.
As for the people, they are on the road to serfdom. Tea Party, bring back
our Constitution!
Nice guy. He stands by and watched a young girl get stomped on. The guy is
an absolute clueless loser full of hot gas. All talk with no ideas when
pinned down. I can't wait to see what a failure these freaks will be. Yeah
sure, socialized medicine.....interesting that Mitt Romney is #1 in polls
for nomination in 2012 and Obama's health plan was closely modeled after
the Mass plan Romney implemented in his administration.
@TheTruthNow000 Damn, THAR SHE BLOWS!!! That stinky old cave is a callin
loud and proud. Me my family and family tree?? Damn here I was thinking a
broom stick would suffice that dungeon. Chill Dorthy. Im sure you can find
another tree somewhere else. Whats this about 1965? You have a time machine
now? And what did your therapist say about your racist fantasies? No. wait,
dont tell me, I dont want to pollute my mind.
@hodoprime So, what do you want? Zero regulations? Ya, I'm sure that will
work really well. /sarcasm/. We gotta regulate the greedy bastards, period!
Lack of regulation is what caused the economic collapse and the BP oil
spill. Evolution and guns aren't the reason behind our failing schools, it
is under qualified teachers and the fact that most school funding goes to
buy football equipment, instead of science labs.
@TheTruthNow000 Why are you projecting all of your problems on to other
people? I bet you whack off at the thought that Rand is a closet homo you
pervert. And is the accusation of racism just standard protocol for freaks
like you to feel superior to people, or do you actually think the public
will believe it if you say it enough? Just click your heels together three
times Dorthy, maybe you'll escape fantasyland.
@Lobotomick Actually it is a system of 3/4 republicans and 1/3 democrats
are controlled by the corporations, or something close to that. The problem
being democrats seems to be the lesser of the two evils. I really think it
is time for an atheist progressive government which is not swayed by the
fringe religious nut and focus on getting things done instead of all the
Left Wing Group Threaten To Target DC With Largest Civil Disobedience - Hannity
Left Wing Group Threaten To Target DC With Largest Civil Disobedience - Hannity =========================================== **Please Click Below ...
Darina Allen on TTIP: "The greatest threat to democracy that I have encountered"
Darina Allen discusses her concern over the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment partnership. Darina explains how TTIP aims to remove barriers to trade but in ...
People need to talk about it every opportunity that they can, it's
important that the dangers are conveyed to people, and that we unify and
fight back. We do not agree to TTIP and here's proof that Enda is going to
sign it in, even though he is blind to what it's about...
+Self4422 Thanks for the video. You might also be interested in this Google search of the Fine Gael website which shows what the majority government party thinks about TTIP. Some of the links also show what Fine Gael think of others who have a different view on TTIP.
TTIP is fraught with difficulties that seek to lower food safety,
employment and environmental standards so the multinationals can make ever
more profits with less impedance. Also, that the EU is pressing for the
removal of the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE is extremely worrying.
+Stuart Williams Darina is really passionate about this subject. Although her main interest maybe from a food perspective, she told me that TTIP concerned her on other levels too.
Judge Jeanine Pirro - The ISIS Threat & ISIS In America
Judge Jeanine Pirro - The ISIS Threat & ISIS In America =========================================== **Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More ...
Can someone please tell me why I should care about ISIS. I think that the
CIA is drumming up another war, just incase the last one didn't cost
enough! "War is a Racket"! Obama is a Bankster puppet!
You are right. ISIL is another Langley operation to scare the Middle East into saying 'Yes sir' to the United States Petrodollar, which the world is sick of as it is volatile and running off a printing press and leaving it means the country gets bombed.
You people need to just realize Obama is a Muslim and he is sympathetic
towards their cause...
He's downplayed the whole terror issue and put the radicals in power
through his "mistakes" at least three countries. .
Why are the Saudis not being called out..??? Why ?????
Christianity in its purest form has not declared war. Islamic
fundamentalism has...when Peter struck the ear of the soldier with a sword
and cut it off as they were taking Jesus as a captive Jesus put the ear
back on the man and healed him. Islam in its purest form is about living by
the sword - conquer territory and people by the sword if necessary. The
spin that this Co Co person makes is total nonsense.
Nobody blamed Bush? I heard practically EVERYBODY blaming Bush lol I still
hear people blaming Bush. Obama can shut down the government because the
ACA wasn't in the budget and people blame Bush