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Scentsy FAQs - Is Scentsy A Battery Operated Candle?

Our Website - //www.wickfreecandles.net/ Please support the channel and subscribe :) Is Scentsy a battery operated candle. No Scentsy is not a battery ...

User Comments

you make me giggle Scott x love the video
im glad you liked it Claire
he says thank you Gilbert
i love this video

Secret Sphere feat. Barbara Inzirillo - The Look (Roxette cover)

Bonus track on the new 2010 album Archetype of Italian power metal band Secret Sphere. Female voice bij Barbara Inzirillo.

User Comments

Barbara,congratulations for the voice :D South Italy rulez :D
hahahahahaHAHAHAHAhaha no, but it's good, and I love it!
better as the original version
Ti ano.

How Did Regulators Miss This Latest Broker Fraud? , bp holdings barcelona.asf

Raw Video: Special Needs Van Crashes, 5 Dead

Five people are dead after a special needs van crashed in Arkansas. The van was reportedly hit by a car going the wrong way on Highway 63 between ...

User Comments

@Faustuss1 WRONG!!!!! This Is why more People turn from God Because it is taken out of Context because for one in the old testament before Jesus yes every one was born into to sin upon Jesus Dying on the Cross This is no longer Because he was the propitiation for the Worlds Sin as well if you are literate then you would read it completely before making a blatant false state such as this I said Enough but I pray you and many others Take a look before you talk about something you truly don't CONT
people who make fun of ths....if your young straight and plan to have a child just remember you have a 1 in 155 chance your child will have some sort of abnormality especialy if its a boy. SO when you laugh about this wreck just remember special or not it could have been someone you loved. Its better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Your parents should be embarassed by this i bet if you were in that wreck they wouldnt be making funny jokes on youtube bout it
According to the bible** the 5 people killed in this video could be be burning in hell right now if they happened to not be a Christian, even if they led a good and moral life. Sound fair to you? ** tinyurl*com/JesusOnlyWay ** tinyurl*com/JesusOnlyWay2 Note: I am not a Christian, I am simply trying to encourage Christians to question the bible and their beliefs.
How the hell can anyone find humor in this situation. Were they not human because they had special needs? People died. Someone's child. Someone's friend. Imagine your mother laying on the side of the road and then see how funny it is to you.
Bennie,I hope you never get married.Or,if you do,you love your wife so much that her health and well-being(physical,mental,emotional,ect) will come before yours and any potential children you might have.
@Faustuss1 Know and will never know because of your lost and confused ideologies. and OH BTW i never went to a So called Christian Seminary My Knowledge comes straight from the word of God!!!!
@Wecomeforyoutonight everybody deserves life no matter what is wrong with them, i would never EVER let my wife abort my baby whether healthy or handicapped
omg how awful. i bet the dirver was drunk. how else can you explain going the wrong way.
One of them was probably playing peekaboo...and forced the driver to play
it must have been unintended car acceleration... LET'S BLAME TOYOTA!!!!!!
@RussianLove666 HAHAHAHA!!!!!! We're going to hell.....
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